Thoughts on Riots new mmo?

I watched that video, but it seems like just his assumptions on what it will include. I’ll wait to see what actually is in it.

We know next to nothing about the actual game itself so I think it’s kind of hard to have an opinion on it yet.

Street also explained that Riot Games is holding back from a more splashy announcement to give the team leeway to make design shifts: “We know when we start releasing actual information, such as features, the story, a look at the art, :poop: is going to get much more real. And it will also make it harder to undo those features, change the story, or update the art.”


Much better than having an achievement with inaccurate information in it misleading players :laughing:


I wouldn’t even play this one if I hadn’t put so much time into it. MMo’s just don’t appeal to me

You know what they can’t hide? Your browser history :+1:

If you CTRL+H and type a bit of the title (for example to see this thread “riots” would be good) then you should see it. Of course you have to remember a bit of the title :grimacing:

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I still don’t know enough about it, but the leaks and discussions about the world sound like they actually understand what is required to make an MMO good.

If Riot’s last three multiplayer games are anything to go by (TFT, Valorant, LoL), Blizzard should be very concerned.

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Yeah, it’s definitely the smart approach.

You guys say this but I don’t think you understand, Blizz has nothing to worry about because they have people who live in Azeroth not just passing through gamers. Wow isn’t just comprised of people that are like “oh, hey a new game is out let me try it for 34 seconds then quit and never touch it again”, Wow has live in players who will be here forever.

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Is it going to have a mage class? Guaranteed to op as heck, if it does :rofl:

Makes a post and first thing they say is this.

If Riot’s mmo is really good. I can totally see people migrating.

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Yep, me too, but not the players I’m talking about :laughing:

They don’t play because the game is good or bad they play because Wow is their home. Like those old people who will stay at their house in a flood and die, that’s the people I’m talking about.

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I don’t think anything will kill wow per-se. I think Riot is reaching for the stars with their Ip’s right now. They’ll always be ppl playing wow, but I think if there was ever a chance to reach mmo numbers like they were in during Wrath, it may be Riot and their mmo. I realize that’s a bold claim, but I don’t think they’re trying to make an mmo to co-exist in the market. I think they want to make the greatest mmo ever.

Hey, I wish them luck :smiley: Hopefully they can do it and they give Blizz a bunch of good ideas to steal :laughing:

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That is one thing about WoW that does stand out more than even I give it credit for. The ability to play at any camera angle with control over it on a whim is amazing even now and they did this way back in the early 2000’s.


And do you think the corporate suits will care about these players when the game clearly isn’t growing? I don’t think WoW will ever disappear on the precedent alone that even Everquest still has servers up. I imagine that Blizzard would sooner make the game F2P with an expanded cash shop before even considering shutting it down. However, if you think for a second that WoW will continue to be developed at the extent and rate it currently is with the people who “live” in the game, as you so call it, the only people realistically playing it, then I think you’d be surprised to learn that that number is probably a lot smaller than you realize.

And even then, I don’t think many of them are guaranteed to stay. I’ve seen best friends of mine leave WoW when it was their lifeblood. I’m talking 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. I’ve seen people who have been my friend in the game for nearly two decades leave the game just in the last year. People who lived and breathed WoW at various points in the past have left this game for smaller reasons than the Next Big MMO, and WoW has been on a steady decline since the end of 2010. All it takes is the perfect storm to completely blow WoW’s crown off, and Riot’s MMO is gearing up to do exactly that. WoW is still declining with other games already taking some of its thunder, and the game has been in such a terrible state that the majority playerbase are hesitant on trusting the devs at all.

Live-service games are 100% dependent on bringing in new players/returning players and then retaining them in some capacity. Growth comes first to retention. It’s why so many developers have absolutely no issue throwing their long-term players under the bus at the prospect of bringing in newer players, because newer players coming in begets even more players coming in. What happens when that stops?

I can tell you what happens because we’ve seen it in just about every other failed MMO. Players stop coming into the game, the playerbase that sticks with it eventually grows tired of the game and its lack of growth, and then the development of the game comes crashing down. The game is put into maintenance mode, its “expansions” are reduced shells of what they used to be, and the developers on the title are dispersed to other projects with a small team tasked with running the game’s servers.

I won’t say for certain that Riot’s MMO will be the destined WoW killer we’ve discussed for years now, because 1. It’s stereotypical, and 2. I’m not a prophet. I don’t want to say anything I can’t say for certain.

But I can make an observation, and right now, the current climate in the MMO space does not look good for WoW in the slightest.


Long as they are making money :person_shrugging:

I would imagine those people don’t care if the game is developed, only that the game is available, Azeroth is their home, not updates.

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And the unfortunate reality is that a game could by all accounts be a “successful” game, but if it doesn’t meet the numbers that appeases the investors, you can be certain that will change.

Makes sense, I don’t see that happening though

Maybe, maybe not. Nobody including myself can say for certain.

But I think there’s a large amount of delusion going on if any WoW player thinks their game can somehow withstand the competition that would come with a Riot MMO in its current state. I am hoping Dragonflight is the expansion WoW needs, but I am tempering my expectations because Blizzard seems insistent on burrowing themselves into the same routines that led to the failure of previous expansions, too.

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