Eh, guess we’ll see
Highly doubtful, I’m sure it will be more of the same.
Eh, guess we’ll see
Highly doubtful, I’m sure it will be more of the same.
Is there any footage out yet of the gameplay?
No, nothing about the game has been shown or released.
You may have misunderstood that fan-made video
It is not that the world which we players would play in is done, what that specific video said is, that the world that is about to be developed by Riot is done. Riot basically have concept ideas, but as far as we know, they DO NOT have a game world in which they can put in characters.
If I can’t be a Yordle girl, why even bother.
Vastaya Fox girl Ninja you mean?
I couldn’t find any such footage, I did find this though
which had some interesting things to say
Less character customization for better gameplay and balance purposes. They want to make it equal for everybody and no means of getting overpowered
With how much wow players QQ about customization I don’t know how that’s going to go.
- PvP will be in the game
- Raids will be included, as well as Dungeons
Should go without saying, what else would you do in a MMO? lol.
Yeah to see what everyone else thought.
Agree on the top down angle thing… fine for single player RPGs but on MMOs it feels cheap.
If it’s not a full immersive world like wow I’ll be sad.
In one.
If you want wow to be good…then pray Riot MMO is a success
Because competition is good
The current team will take things seriously only when they feel threatened by another game
WoW already has competition - but it still haven’t been good for years.
While I will say that FFXIV is a fierce competitor, I think it’s a blip on the radar compared to whatever Riot has planned.
I really don’t think people understand the pull Riot has here. They managed to put a dent into Counter-Strike in some markets (I won’t say in general because it’s still insanely popular). Think about that. Counter-Strike was affected by Riot.
Imagine what happens when they branch into a genre as niche as the MMORPG genre with its mainstream appeal.
I think you are overhyping Riots effect on anything.
As far as I know, Valorant haven’t done anything to CS:GO, whatsoever.
Riot have released succesful games, good on them… but that is about it. But atleast they still have a better track record than CDPR - who had a fanbase that overhyped Cyberpunk 2077, despite CDPRs only major succes that put them on the map was The Witcher 3.
Riot is a company I would trust more than most for PvP honestly. I hope it’s good enough that I’ll either just move to it, or it will light a serious fire under Blizzard that most games have failed to.
Most games have not failed to.
Every release have succesfully chipped away at WoW’s playerbase.
Thinking otherwise is high copium.
If people have not stopped seriously playing WoW already, then they will never stop - they will keep buying expansions and blizzard knows this, so there is no need to improve.
I understand how my comment could seem hopeful but I wouldn’t rush to call me a copium enjoyer.
Very much of the opinion that this game is dying and badly out of touch with modern gamers (most MMOs are). Almost all of the few IRL friends I convinced to try SL have quit playing and aren’t hyped for DF either.
Alright, so I guess what you did want to say is that you hope that Riot’s release will motivate the World of Warcraft developers.
Frankly, I do not think that WoW’s current issue is developers without desire and motivation to make a good game, I just think that they are bad at their job.
We don’t know anything about it’s focus, as far as I know. I do hope it isn’t another PvP-based mmo, though. Way too many of those.
All my excitement for the game is tied up in how cool the world construction is.
I don’t believe riot said that, pretty sure it was a well known league youtuber talking about how their lore for everything is done. Youtuber’s named Necrit if I’m not mistaken.