Thoughts on rated solo queue rn?

I feel like this would create its own problem where only the better suited dps specs leave it on and further narrow that pseudobracket. Just enforcing normal 3s format solves the problem imo.

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the queue its self is suspiciously holding people back it seems. it feels like it is not popping as soon as enough people are queued, but after an artificially long time just to keep you logged in waiting.

if you watch some streamers all their queues pop at around the same time, but they are in different matches. too many times to be coincidence imo.

Yep. Really takes the wind out of my sails if I’m being honest. Hype turned into despair and disappointment.


Well they listened finally

What and where is the blue post that saying it would take a server restart to fix these pvp issues?

The INTEND to do it.

That is just for updating the Rated Solo for ppl who leave early will lose rating, it’s not for the conquest gear upgrade for Rated solo


yes that’s right hoping this maintenance that just hit this morning a minute ago will fix the solo shuffle conquest gear upgrading problem - around 30m-1hr to go

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How about games counting towards vault/mount fix?

Nope, looks like everything is still broken from what I’m seeing - wonder what they were trying to do this maintenance, none of my problems been addressed and no update to when they are going to attempt fixes (only for the penalty system not specifically for the gear upgrading issue from rated solo shuffle).

I dont think they want to fix it, it’s intended .

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think you may be on to something but I’m going to go to bed now stay strong bro

solo ques sucks they queue are bad 30min to play the game