Thoughts on rated solo queue rn?

If you are in a game mode that ends because of one death in a high burst Pre-patch and you DC one of your mates might die which would lose the round. If it was a close match the lost round due to the DC might make the difference. The mode rules are a bit different.

Agreed. In rated arenas if you queue up and your teammate doesn’t join in, you don’t get avoid rating loss if you then lose. Same thing if someone from your team DCs during the middle of a match. IDK why they would treat Shuffle any differently. Full rating loss if you leave (since the rating gains/losses are individual in Shuffle) and the 5 remaining players get some sort of adjusted rating.

Yes, this isn’t always going to be fair, but for the mode to survive, leaving a Shuffle has to be heavily penalized in order to make it more detrimental to leave than to play it out (e.g., better to play and hope to win at least one round than to leave).

Think about how it works in M+ right now with people leaving and scuffing someone else’s key the second something go wrong - it’s precisely because there’s no penalty and it creates a really toxic environment. That problem goes away the moment it hurts you personally to leave (imagine if you lost a big chunk of M+ rating for ditching a key before it was done - problem solved).


M+ definitely needs a rating hit for intentional drop outs… Crazy that’s not already a thing.

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just make tanks q up against healers, besides the like 3 decent prot pala players in NA all other tanks will be pushed out or stuck at low ratings. Issue fixes itself

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So, I really like the idea of the ranked solo shuffle a lot and have been playing it and enjoying it, but I have pretty much just one major gripe with it.

After waiting about 10 minutes on average for a queue to pop, I can win 5 out of the first 6 rounds of solo shuffle, and likely going to win the sixth round, only for one of the players to leave because they’re not winning and it screws everyone else over, you get NO rating, NO conquest, and a measly 400 honor after waiting 10 minute queue and winning 5 matches.

This has happened multiple times now and is really frustrating, and I highly doubt that the increasing deserter time is going to deter people from griefing…


The leaving has to be punished more for sure. I don’t think it needs to be super harsh, but it has to cost rating so that it’s not a cheese way to keep your rating up.

I found it fun at first, but now I either match up with people so low I can’t get any rating or someone leaves after 3-5 rounds. Maybe 1/6 matches are rating appropriate and actually finish. I can’t imagine what it must be like for the dps with their queue times.

Healers always have instant Q’s.

If Blizzard want more healers to participate they should tone down the mongo melee madness where they can kill you without even needing to stun/kick or coordinate in any way.

Healing SoloQ is fun but there is also only so many games I can play without being bored of melee tunnelling to an extent that would get them killed or fail content in any other aspect of the game but in Arena it’s like the DH/DK/Warr that follows you around pillars and is 100+ yards away from their team doesn’t care because they can’t really be punished in non-coordinated content.

The biggest reason people leave is because they dont want to lose CR. So make that the penalty, along with a stacking deserter debuff, should be enough to balance out the leaver sitch.

Give the other players the amount of rating that they have earned fir that portion of the ss.

Ban tanks they are toxic to the game

the tanks gotta go


How could the designers not see this coming? The fact that it went out like this does not bode well for the rest of development. Is there something in the water in CA?

They should open up triple dps, but in order to finish a round with triple dps you need to kill every player.

Arena queues should be fast.

Let us do triple dps.

Subscription cancelled for this and other reasons. They chased me away from D2R, I guess they’re chasing me away from this game too.

There is no need to upgrade gear in DF, and solo rated is a DF system

the game has been out for 20 years almost. How long do they need to get things right?

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You do need to upgrade it if you want it to be useful outside of PvP though. There’s going to be an upgrade system for increasing the PvE item level of PvP gear

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Blue post specifically stated that you would be able to upgrade gear in pre-patch (also that rated solo would count towards vault and mount progress), so I’m guessing this is a bug that they will eventually fix. But I think we all know this will be way near the bottom on their list of priorities


But I don’t see how it is after yesterday they didn’t fix it and left it all day like this and then had an hour of maintenance - and this is after a blue post came in saying it would take a server restart to fix these pvp issues… how misleading making me think it would be THIS restart oof brah feelsbadman

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i’m honestly not worried. if theyre focusing on making dragonflight good, i’m all for it.

as of right now the talent system looks so diverse. like there are so many different talents that are really good and situational. and the number #1 thing i hated about shadowlands was that i hardly ever had to change my talents.

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I don’t like it man but I dunno maybe I’ll come around. Every single match I have to change talents which imo is alot of work or die instantly with little healing and little damage on the run.

I agree, diversity is good in talents and I like the many builds players have. I think that’s really cool as far as trying to guess the build you’re going against and predict the meta, kind of reminds me of the way I would have to build my decks in Magic the Gathering or Hearthstone and hope I was right about the meta representation that day.

I’m personally not huge on the constant updating of talents for every single game, especially when Solo Queue prep time is short mid match. However I think it was great foresight to make a preset and save talent option. That should prove extremely helpful in this regard.