Personally i think leaving penalty should be more than 6 rounds + deserter. Otherwise whats to stop someone from leaving if they’re going 0-6 just to spite the person they lost against. Eitherway they lose 6 so might as well screw over the other guy you’re salty against. This seems even more prevalent for healer vs healer 0-6s.
Id like to see something like Leaving 1 game per week equals 8 loss 30 minute ban accnt wide, second game equals 10 loss 2 hour accnt wide, 3rd game equals 15 loss 24 hour band. If they are not going to reward points to the non leavers they have to make punishments harsh.
A lot of fun but dh/wws hurt my soul and I seem to be getting atleast 1 of each of these classes with several matching 2 wws or 2 dhs in a single match which is horrible to heal.
they need to fix the issue with not being able to upgrade your gear, I am setting at 1850 and can’t get the next upgrade, with the matches starting to get a bit harder. Also, my wins are not going to the mount rewards and the weekly vault.
And yes, ww well take you from 100 to zero in less than a second, happened to me haha.
On my rogue, I got WWs every game and a teammate got annihilated without pressing a defensive. Or I got a really bad healer who goes 0 wins to the decent healer’s 6.
On my Mistweaver, I get 1200 dps where rounds run for 5 minutes because I can’t CC the enemy healer (one DPS trains them, the other flops around in mid) and then someone leaves, so I can’t even get out of this awful bracket.
Coupled with poor balance and dumb legendary/covenant interactions, this just isn’t fun.
This except any lost rounds taken while the leaver was on your team should not count against you.
Also to de-incentivize leaving, the leaver should be administered rating changes based on current won/lost PLUS an extra lost round. That way there would really be no reason to leave in round 6.
I suppose that’s frustrating. I guess I’m just not taking any of it too seriously until the season starts. I’m just enjoying it for what it is for now.
I think a full 0/6 loss on rating and a 15 min deserter debuff makes it well not worth the trouble of queueing all together if you are prone to quit games… That said there would be DC protection I imagine like other instances so if you drop and log right back in you may lose a round and as a result the match but it is an online game so hard to avoid the occasional DC… I have DC’d several times since the patch once for taking the Halloween XP buff…