Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well

This is a mischaracterization of WoW.

WoW is larger because it has 15 years of content with it, no other MMO has that besides EVE which is definitely too hard for a lot of posters here in these forums.
As for polished, have you played FFXIV A Realm Reborn or are you judging it solely on its original launch?

For JRPGs? Or all RPGs? I haven’t played one since FF8, which I quit after I realized it was a major departure from the previous games in the franchise.

If they wanted to sell a bunch, yes. They price boost tokens so high because they don’t want you to boost…You end up not knowing how to play with no attachment to the character. Far better off to level a new one.

You’d still be using it wrong because anti-consumer practices are about denying consumer choice, not making things take longer to obtain. That’d be like calling Wal-Mart anti-consumer because they make you wait an extra couple of days before buying a gun.
Or a grocery store anti-consumer because the self checkout line was closed and you had to wait in a longer line.

From a legal standpoint, nothing Blizzard is doing is anti-consumer.

To simplify it.

Time-gating does not remove consumer choice.
It is not denying you a product or an experience.

You simply do not like it.


JRPG and RPG are not really a different thing lol.
It’s just made in Japan lol.
The biggest RPGs have almost always been by Square.
Dragon Quest alone in pure sales dwarfs any RPG outside of Final Fantasy.

Same. Legion STILL has more replay value than BfA. lol.

Just with Class Order Halls

Yeah. You keep typing but…

You’re 100% wrong.

Google anti-consumer.

After that…

…please explain to everyone what “Anti-Consumer” tactics are since you’re 100% sure you know what it means.


I mean I literally just did that a few posts ago to the other dolt who doesn’t know what anti-consumer practices actually are.

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Are you talking about yourself?

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Not that BfA doesn’t have some things/areas I like, but overall the game is divided for me in two major areas. BfA and Pre-BfA. The pre BFA world just seems better (the two 8.2 zones aside, they are pretty cool)

Edit, and more stuff to do. More stuff that I want to do. That is pretty much what keeps me playing ATM.

You think that FF2, Diablo and WoW are not “different” because they are all in
the “RPG” genre?

JRPGs are a very specific type of RPG. JRPGs are not exclusively made in Japan. I’m not even sure they originated there. A JRPG is a turn-based, non-tactical, menu based RPG. Probably other aspects that define them, but those are the big ones in my mind. I used to love them, but I don’t know that I’d have the patience anymore.

If the devs implement changes to the game that they know in advance lots of players will quit over, that’s inherently anti-consumer.

How many players have left since devs started their removal/restriction of flight?

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I tried to refund but was denied because the game time that came with it was already used.

This is your definition of anti-consumer?

When it really means:

“Not favorable to [consumers]improperly favoring the interests of businesses over the interests of consumers.”

But hey, don’t take my word for it.



Diablo is an action RPG.
WoW is an MMORPG.

What’s your point, we seem to have lost the thread here.

Literally the exact argument the other dolt made, scroll up and I already shut this down lol.

It’s not enough to simply define a term and then drop the mic like your point was proven.

You need to actually you know, apply it to something lol.

Just confused by whether you still thought Square-Enix was the “gold standard” for all RPGs or just JRPGs?

You haven’t shut anything down.

Unless you think saying,


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I’d argue for all RPGs as even if JRPG is considered a sub-category (https:// en.wiktionary. org/wiki/JRPG) they’ve still set the tone for years.