Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well

JRPGs are not necessarily turn based. Tales series and new Final Fantasy are still JRPG.

I literally went into detail and you choose to ignore.
That’s on you.
Go try and sue Blizzard based on your half-baked attempt at labeling business practices as anti-consumer, I’ll wait.
Oh wait, I don’t have to as people have TRIED and FAILED to do so against EA for years!
You act like simply because you feel a certain way about something that it must be factual, but the problem with that is actual facts disagree with you.

Ah. I get it.

So you think that because you say something means one thing…

… DESPITE the official definition of the term…

Once again, please just Google the word/term. Wink wink.

That it means whatever you feel like because you explained?



Not pre-ordering this expansion because there’s nothing to be excited about. Also, current development team and ideals are not player first. So, even more reason not to pre-order.

Dude, you don’t just define a word and drop the mic.
Put it into an actual explanation lol.
Give me an actual example of anti-consumer business practices.
Not something that boils down to it being something you disagree with.
You realize there is an entire division of the government that deals with anti-consumer practices right?
If there was something being done by Blizzard that was anti-consumer, in this climate, you can bet they would be coming after Blizzard in a heartbeat.

Take Facebook for instance and their anti-consumer practice of selling peoples data without their knowing (it was in the ToS but nobody ever reads those). Immediate reaction from the government watchdog groups and BOOM, tons of pressure by the government, lawsuits, etc.

Now think about Blizzard, one of the highest profile video game companies in the world. If even the EU and Australia aren’t hitting them with anti-consumer lawsuits, what does that actually tell you? There isn’t anything anti-consumer going on.

Shady, sure. But shady isn’t anti-consumer.

So again.

Do more than look at a term and drop the mic, cause it fell on your foot and made you look stupid.

“If you cant be sued it’s not anti consumer”. Do you work for a drug company or something? Goodness you are dense.


I never said they couldn’t be sued, learn to read.
I said people have tried and failed to sue as there is no basis for their business practices being anti-consumer lol.

Are you serious?


Lol indeed because at this point you might as well just fill your post with them.

Definitely don’t preorder.

That said, it could still be great if they drop their bad ideas from BfA. Seems to be the real killer, aside from pushing timelines way ahead of what they can deliver.

Am I hopeful? Not all that much. Is this just my wishful thinking? Probably, but that’s what happens when you have a hobby for 15 years.

lol, trying to win an argument on technicalities shows you are just bloviating. Just because a company learns to work around laws or manipulate consumers doesnt mean something isnt anti consumer, it just means they are legally safe to be anti consumer.

Unless you dont think drug companies are anti-consumer your argument falls apart completely.

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You’re not engaging with the substance of the argument or actual real world examples of anti-consumerism.

I’d rather argue with Ralph than someone who is intentionally being obtuse.

Shadow Bringers -

In ‘Shadowbringers,’ the player character travels to an alternate world besieged by monsters called Sin Eaters
You travel the world to hunt down “Lightwardens,” powerful Sin Eaters responsible for upsetting the world’s balance

You travel to another realm to fight gods of light that are trying to take over the universe.

Shadow Lands -

The origins of the Shadowlands remain uncertain, but they have existed ever since mortal life first arose in the physical universe. They span all worlds

You travel to another realm to fight “death”… maybe life i dunno… some gods that are trying to take over the universe.

Shadow bringers -

Deep dungeons, palace of the dead.

Shadow Lands -

Torghast, Tower of the Damned, “endess dungeon”

pretty similar premises.

Shadow bringers -

Grand Companies Companies follow their own quest chain system, offering seals that can be traded for items, unique equipment or to reach higher ranks inside the Company. Players cannot join all three companies, they must choose one and are 'locked' into it.

Shadow Lands -

This choice will have a profound effect on the entire game, as you will work toward proving your worth to your chosen Covenant, align yourself with powerful Covenant-specific denizens, and play out an entire campaign and storyline specific to that Covenant

The details and lore may be different but man… you have to be blind as a bat to not notice the concepts that blizzard is ripping off ffxiv lol.

FFxiv makes me quesy too. if it wasn’t for the aesthetic, the constant loading, and the weaker raiding experience then ffxiv would be a far superior game in my eyes.

espetially their housing/crafting… they nailed it better than any mmo in history imo.

How so? Never played them. What makes them jrpgs if they aren’t turn based?

Correct 100% why hes lieing he has zero refund.

This whole thread is posted by other players and I with great examples of anti-consumer tactics, TIME-GATING being the most notorious since it’s quite aligned with DLC and season passes in the idea that there is content being CUT and/or HELD back to be sold at a later time.

Why do you think Bioware DENIED they were cutting content from their games, even though they were?

You said anti-consumer was to and I quote you, “DENY CUSTOMERS CHOICE” which is actually a MONOPOLY.

So you are 100% WRONG.

Anyone can go look this damn “anti-consumer” term and SEE THAT YOU ARE WRONG SO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?


From a pricing standpoint, definitely anti-consumer.
However, their biggest anti-consumer practice is blocking the production of alternative and cheaper drugs, thus forcing people to buy the expensive one.

That is anti-consumer.

That is also not what Blizzard is doing.

This example as well as the handful of others I’ve shown in this thread are all anti-consumer and they all have one thing in common, consumer choice.

Consumers being denied options is anti-consumer, consumers being denied choice in product is anti-consumer.

Blizzard isn’t denying you choice. ALL content is available to EVERY player who subscribes. Period.

You may not want to purchase something on the store or through the RAF process, but things being exclusive to those areas is not anti-consumer at all as those are additional perks, not game content. You’d have a case if actual game content was hidden behind a paywall, but it’s not as aesthetics in the game industry has long been considered an optional purchase and not necessary to play the actual game.

So again. Do you have actual examples of them performing anti-consumer practices, or more arguments based on emotion and what you feel things should be like?

Because that is literally all anyone arguing they are anti-consumer has posted.

I think it might be a bad expansion, and for that reason I have not pre ordered. I dont have the confidence I once did. I will wait until launch and see if it piques my interest enough to get my wallet out. I have never felt this way before over wow. Its a bad sign.

It’s a statement based on an opinion. I did not say there is not game that is more polished than WoW (and I was careful not to say that). I said I have not played one that is more polished. Regardless of how long it’s been out it’s still the biggest game I have ever played.

I try not to ever speak for other. I may suggest that others might think as I do, but I almost never state that they do. If I ever had it was more of an absent minded remark.

I just re-read my post and I can see your point, on how it could misinterpreted as being a statement rather than an opinion. However anything anyone posts with regards to feels, is always an opinion. It does not matter if 1000 people hate it and only 3 like it, all 1003 are still opinions.

“It’s has multiple bugs” is not an opinion.

“The bugs are not enough to warrant not buying it” is opinion.

That being said tell me what you think is better, or as good? I would be interested in knowing so I could take a look for myself.

If you read my entire post you would know I am no white knight. There was a time where people complaining about trivial things got on nerves. They were really dumb complaints IMO. However after years of being on forums I caught myself telling someone “who the hell are you to determine what is important to others and what is not?” Oooops Hi Kettle my name is “The Pot”…no not that kind!

Anyways give me your list! Please… I know it’s hard to pick up tone of voice when reading posts so I will assure you that I am being completely genuine, when asking for your list.

I have zero intention on finding out what’s wrong with them and come back to post it. In fact I promise I won’t.

Besides I am limited with what I can do while at work, even if there is not work.

There is nothing wrong with having a backup game right?

Is not anti-consumer.
No content is being denied to you.
Again, actual examples please.

I could literally do this all day.

You just parrot the same talking points as the youtube nubs who think they’re journalists because they DISAGREE and they FEEL like the practices are anti-consumer.

But just because you disagree with something or feel a certain way about it does not make it factually true.

They are Japanese RPGs. JRPG vs western is about style. Google Tales of Symphonia and tell me that isn’t a JRPG.

Actually, early Tales (and FF) games had turn based combat and they merely upgraded the combat. They didn’t stop being JRPGs just because the combat changed.