Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well


Now I know you’re a troll. That company hasn’t made anything good.

Companies fire people all the time and have lay offs all the time. Blizzard has one of the most toxic and downright childish fanbases I have ever seen. They blame their own dwindling contentment on Blizzard rather than considering it’s themselves that are the problem.

8.3 had a ton of bugs. Partially because they touched the auction house and they specifically said touching it would break the game. Regardless these issues can be ironed out, and the product made stronger after a brief hiccup. A bug is only some mortal sin if it’s left unpatched.

Here’s your monster. Programming was also far easier back then and simpler. The more complex a product, the more it can break. It’d hard to screw up pong.

Ehhh not exactly.
Shadow Bringers takes you to another universe as a whole, not some sort of shadow reality.

From what I’ve seen from leaked stuff? Yeah. One of the factions literally erases your bonds and memories of your past. :woman_shrugging:

That faction can burn for all I care.

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I like that idea, but to each their own.

I’m half expecting Uther to pull an Illidan.

They literally have nothing in common besides ‘shadow’ in the name. Quit being hysterical.

Final Fanservice makes me queasy.

He is the koolaide drinking pro-blizzard version of ralph.


There’s nothing leaked. Just the playable demos showed the Kyrian.

They don’t wipe your memory. All they do is relieve you of your doubts, fear, and anger. Allowing you to be relieved of your duty in life.

That’s just hilarious.
But I’m used to people in these forums literally not knowing how the world outside of video games actually works.

That sounds like erasing Memories and bonds with people, but just explained in a different way to try to make it sound less bad. :woman_shrugging:

Also them literally turning you into one of them, completely erasing all sense of self identity is absolutely ridiculous.

Like I said, I don’t like them, and they can all go to the maw for all I care.

Well I think they should launch it sooner then later, I’m hoping the new character customization features will be legit or trash, that’ll really sell me

Sony? Isn’t FF that a Square-Enix IP?

Square-Enix certainly has made some great games over the years. Not sure I’d say they’re the “gold standard” though.

I imagine there will be problems but not more than usual. The thing is, even if it is sub-par, it’s sub-par to Blizzards standards, not other MMO standards. I have not played an MMO as polished as Blizzards ever. I have never played a game as large as WoW ever.

If WoW were to stop tomorrow I would end up playing Diablo 3/4 and Borderlands (the entire series is pretty good)

I might buy W3 reforged even though it was sold not as advertised. Just to play through the story. I would prefer not to pay for it, because of the situation.

I don’t know why but this W3 actually really bugs me. Especially the BS excuse they used to explain away the removed cut scenes. If you’re going to change your product after selling it, than it should be advertised how you changed the product, and it should be easily refunded if players choose to ask for one.

You don’t sell a product that is different than what you advertised (and continued to advertise after the launch which is either laziness, neglect, or plain arrogance.) I don’t know if they have even changed it yet.

People are not stupid they know the difference between right and wrong. This does not even have the smallest hint of integrity, it stinks to high heaven with deceit, underhandedness. The only thing I might be inclined to believe is this is not the way things were supposed to unfold. I believe that it was go time, and they were not ready to go.

For whatever reason, we will most likely never be privy to (unless someone leaks it) Blizzard no longer has or is giving itself enough time to properly finish what they started.

They talk/brag about all the new IP’s they have going on, if this is true maybe they should make that pool smaller? I am almost sure many would agree they would prefer a lesser amount well-made games than a whole truck load of new ones that will take 6 months to a year to fix and patch.


/RANT (for now)

Pot, meet kettle.

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For RPGs, definitely.

You got anything else or more poop slinging?

shadowlands is bfa 2.0 all you will be doing is getting your rng lootbox uprages on tuesdays,lfr/n/h raids since most cant do mythic and a tower to grind instead of islands.

shalowlands is bfa with a dark xmog over it.

My point is that they literally DO NOT erase your memory. People in Bastion are those who had a duty in life. All they do is the equivalent to what happened in Pandaland with the Sha. That’s it.

You are the same person but given a new body to live in.

I think the problem is that I am typing, “anti-consumerism” by habit.

I shouldn’t add “ISM” since it is causing confusion, apparently.

What I mean is “anti-consumer”.

I hope that helps.


Back in my day I also remember learning how to program to get some games to work (looking at you Ultima 7!). Also later I remember going to developer (or more likely 3rd party sites) to down load patches to get games to work.