Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well

Okay, let’s see where you’re going with this…

Huh? I’m having a hard time reconciling your argument with itself. Something that delays flight makes people flee the game. Meanwhile… a game that doesn’t even have flight, and is also anti-consumer in it’s own (unspecified) way, makes people flood back to the game?

How exactly is Classic “anti-consumer”, by your definition, if it caused people to come back to the game?

Oh don’t take his argument seriously at all, he doesn’t really get what anti-consumerism really is.

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Honestly, I just don’t like the concept of swearing yourself to a covenants… it bugs me.

Though the one race that apparently rips memories from the dead and forces them to forget their friends, loved ones, and all other manner of memories, makes me sick. If I was to wipe out any afterlife faction it would be them.

BC? Worst expansion? I’m sorry could you repeat that? I think I had something crazy in my ear.

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I don’t like the death and dreary theme. I don’t like the afterlife theme. I’m honestly just kinda tired of all the darker themes that have been non-stop since Pandaria, which while also having some dark themes, also had some bright ones. :woman_shrugging:

Also I’m angry that we’re going to a completely different dimension and leaving giant massive sharp plot holes just sitting in massive zones, and doing nothing about them.

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I actually detailed this in a thread a few days ago with my reasoning.
I’m someone who likes lore and world-building.
TBC/WoD have nothing really to do with anything Azeroth.
There is no further depth into the history of the Draenei or Orc, the world of Azeroth doesn’t even recognize the existence of Outlands at all as a whole outside of the npcs stationed outside of the portal.
It’s like it never really happened.

Sure, both expansion had cool raids, but raids aren’t everything to every player.

I mean we left a portal leading to a collapsing planet open, just sitting there, having nothing to do with anything anymore lol

I didn’t raid much at all in BC but I thought the setting, lore, dungeons, crafting, and gearing were all top notch. To each their own though.

I disagree. Some bugs are not worth fixing. If only a very tiny number of people will experience it, it doesn’t “break” the game, and it would be very costly to fix, sometimes it makes sense not to fix a bug. Are there bugs in vanilla wow? Probably, but you can’t even name one. So who cares?

I think the reason Blizzard was the “gold standard” was because they cared for their games long after the game was profitable. SC, SC2, WC3, etc saw patches many years after release. So many years that they would barely be selling any copies any more. Patches to fix bugs, but also to improve the balance of the game. I honestly can’t think of a single other game company that used to do this.

Are they still the gold standard? Probably not. But, I don’t know that I can name another triple A game studio that I would consider to be one either now.

Yeah I’m not trying to disagree with peoples opinions, I know some love TBC, but for me, I like things to connect with the wider world and larger story and those two do it the least for me.

You should try hello kitty online

This I agree with. They definitely show more support for their games over the long run than other companies.

You’d be right; classic tripled the sub count right before Q4. Which was a quote from Blizzard. So if Q4 had 4-6 million subs and Classic tripled the sub count, again I’d be right.

Haku we don’t have anything further to discuss. Have fun with your delusions.

For as much as you post and whine on the forums, you still manage to fail at quoting people? SMH.

Edit: Well at least you fixed it this time.

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Have fun with yours.
When you learn about anti-consumerism in school, come back to me lol.

From that perspective I can see where you would have an issue. I remember at the time people were like “SPACESHIPS? GOING TO ANOTHER PLANET?? DEATH OF WOW RIGHT HERE PEOPLE!!”

Oh yeah, people were pissed.
Even now, we have a giant spaceship orbiting the planet, but it’s another giant plothole lol

Sony with FFXIV still is in my eyes.

Shadow lands is a literal rip off of Shadowbringers. Fro the plot to the endless dungeon feature to the covens…

Blizzard is so uninspiringly unoriginal these days that they are blatantly ripping off ideas from their closest competitor.

Shadow Bringers takes you into a shadow reality Released before BFA. Shadow lands? Same thing…

Corporate guilds or whatever they are called have been in since FFXIV reborn… covens are a very similar rip off to that.

Endless dungeon has been in ffxiv for two expansions now i think? Wow just adding it.

it’s not a 1 for 1 rip off… but it’s clear blizzard has lost it’s luster.

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That’s not what they do.