Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well

Yep that’s what I took away from it…but and a big BUT…I would love to see the break down to classic players to retail players…I would wager
Classic has more…

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Classic might have more right now because a lot from retail are on there and a lot are in other games.

I really can’t say until we see the Alpha. Back when BFA’s Alpha released I already had this sort of sinking feeling. And then came the laughable Azerite Armor Alpha UI that was literally the Netherlight Crucible turned upside down.

So I can’t really say now if I think Shadowlands will end up being half-baked on release, but I’m remaining optimistic because what we saw at BlizzCon looked promising. And I pre-ordered anyways because, well, while I didn’t like BFA, I don’t want to quit WoW.

Well theoretically it should’ve. The Allied Race DKs are a Shadowlands feature. If you don’t have Shadowlands you don’t have access to Shadowlands features.

That’s it in a nut shell not say you are, but quite a few people are addicted to this game and blizzard knows it…

Yeah I don’t know enough to say one way or another on that actually, but that’d be kind of weird I think.

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That may be what I do as well. I’m going to get max rank cloak (eventually) and try to get to at least 460-ish geared through M+ (and maybe visions) then see how difficult it would be to get into a run.

Good luck to you no matter what you choose to do.

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Addicted might be an understatement.
It’s really more of the Sunk Cost fallacy, actual fans, people who can overlook the negative to focus on the positive.

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Really? You sure about that?

I’m not addicted by any means. I just don’t see a reason to quit. Please don’t confuse those things. And yes I know you said “not to say you are.” I’m just making my stance here clear.

About what, not sure what post you’re responding to.

Given the track record of Good then bad, then good expansions. Shadowlands should be a good one.

Honestly the only thing I don’t like about it is the theme, and the covenants.

Blizzard being the gold standard of PC games in the late 90s/early 2000s. Wow maintained its polish into the early 2010s.

Considering the state of other mmos and what they offer, unless you don’t intend to play WoW again, there’s no reason to quit.
Just play casually or take breaks like I do.
Every mmo out right now is in a similar state in one way or another, it’s not like this game is the only one suffering massively due to being an mmo in a fading genre.

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To this day, there are bugs from vanilla that are still there (give me a minute to find that list)
Blizzard was a fan favorite, for certain genres, in America and Korea (specifically SC), but it was definitely not a gold standard in quality.

Nyaria while I agree with you most of the time, I’ve got to say you’re not going to like me much if Shadowlands races become playable.

I’m sold, and I’m the first in line on the Kyrian Covenant Hype Train.

I just hope they’re playable…

And honesty it should not be that way…the only reason it’s like that…is the bar was set so low take WoD if BFA would have been after that would have made BFA look awesome

What’s wrong with the theme?

Bfa isn’t even the worst expansion though.
TBC and WoD have that title easily.
Then BFA and Cata lol

Not saying they was but any expansion following WoD would make it look 10x better then it actually was and or is