Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well

And I mean, they only fired them to hire people on cheaper for more work. same as they did last time. their spots will be replaced soon anyways

The definition:

“improperly favoring the interests of businesses over the interests of consumers”

Let’s start with facts then shall we.

A company focusing on profits over people isn’t anti-consumer, it’s just shady is all. It’s why no anti-consumer lawsuits have been filed on companies who put profits over people. If you have case law in America that states otherwise, provide it.

To elaborate, Anti-consumerism is described thus (Wikipedia, not the best but the quickest source:

Anti-consumerism is a sociopolitical ideology that is opposed to [consumerism], the continual buying and consuming of material possessions. Anti-consumerism is concerned with the private actions of business corporations in pursuit of financial and economic goals at the expense of the public welfare, especially in matters of [environmental protection], [social stratification], and [ethics] in the governing of a society. In politics, anti-consumerism overlaps with [environmental activism], [anti-globalization], and [animal-rights] activism; moreover, a conceptual variation of anti-consumerism is [post-consumerism] , living in a material way that transcends consumerism”

Anti-consumerism in practice would be not providing consumers with a choice of services, i.e., ATT and Time Warner dividing up neighborhoods and blocking certain residences from accessing one or the other unless they lived in that section. For example, where I live, my house is able to get ATT, but my neighbor is not because they live in the Time Warner section. There’s no choice for either of us if we want to obtain the other service.

That is anti-consumer. Denying choice.

Blizzard isn’t denying you any content, they are not denying you anything at all in fact. Everything is there, you just need to do content to gain it.

I’m struggling to even find the motivation to gear for the raid sadly. I might end up buying a run close to the end of the patch when they get cheap

Actually, again, no. The QA team isn’t fired. It is public knowledge that 11 QA people were let go, but their QA team is much larger than that. Those QA people, also were not working on WoW but Hearthstone and SCII, but let’s not facts get in the way of a bad argument shall we.

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Keep seeing this argument, but it really was never the gold standard at all lol

There is a difference between laid off and fired…even more so if the job(s) was in California…

So no different then the mojorty of business that do the same…not excusing it…

That’s any big business the work 30 to 40 years at a single company stopped around the mid 80’s

No, it totally doesn’t.
But, because the PC gaming community keeps purchasing incomplete games, publishers keep launching incomplete games.
Want change, demand more.

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This is patently false. Blizzard and Valve have done far more to secure PC gaming as more than a niche than John& John combined. (doom’s creators)

No, I’m arguing against the argument of Gold Standard in terms of quality, their old games were buggy messes just like the new ones, we just had less quality things to compare them to so it felt normal.

So because the definition doesn’t fit your narrative you have to re write it or discount it? Which is what you’re doing here. Not going to bite.

Game has 1-3 million subs down from 12.5 in Wrath as a result of changes made to the game and the direction it’s gone in. I looked at the definition of anti-consumerism and it actually fit here as well based on the sub drop.

Not what the dictionary says. Like I said, the definition of ‘anti-consumer’ was used correctly by me and several others, does not fit your narritive here so you have to re define what it means and shift the goal post to ‘anti-consumerism’ (which you still get wrong because it does generally apply based on sub drop based on blizzards changes making the game unappealing for purchase by people who previously purchased) to attempt to stay relevant in the conversation.

You’re wrong all the way around. You’re either a fantastic troll or a total buffoon.


But you’re still a Death Knight Panda. So are you lying?

The difference between being laid off and fired does not matter to the consumer or to the quality of the product. it only matters for that person. and yes it is common in big companies, because they are GREEDY. And thats exactly what Blizzard has become.


Okay, that is definitely true haha

How much of a blizzdrone do you have to be to believe refunding a trash product means that they delete your boosted or allied race character?

But hey, blizzdrones cant believe that people unsub or refund and post here so no wonder you cant believe it lmao

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I see you don’t remember BFA. After creating or unlocking an Allied Race you weren’t eligible for a refund. Should be the same here.

Hence the reason I’m asking you. But are questions scary to you?

I have been lvl this toon and having more fun then taking my geared 120 thru 8.3 stuff. Lets not forget the elephant in the room char lvl squish and all it entails so that is a tall order .

  1. you werent asking
  2. I am not murican
  3. In progressive countries like EU or Australia there’s consumer protection laws that dont care whatever bs a company policy might say in order to save money, if a product is trash, a refund must happen

Actually, no.
Simply defining one term and saying, THIS IS IT to your argument, really doesn’t actually make your point.
You attempted to make an argument based on a definition without providing an example of how that definition fits your argument and without taking into consideration actual practice and failed lawsuits attempting to do just that.
You act like this argument is new, but it’s been tried again and again, and as long as there is CONSUMER CHOICE, none of this is anti-consumer.

Actually somewhere between 4-6 since last quarterly report. But you assume that everyone left for the same reason. Here are reasons why, just people in my guild at the end of wrath left.

  • Grad school
  • Marriage
  • Children
  • Other games
  • Not enough time to play because getting high all the time

You can’t look at a drop in subs and assume it’s because people are not satisfied with the product.

One thing that definitely changed after wrath was a lot of people stopped paying for multiple accounts which is one of the reasons why wrath numbers were so high.

Additionally, you fail to take into consideration that people left because the story was Done in wrath. Cata was the beginning of a brand new story. Wrath was the culmination of WC3.

You also need to look at what other MMOs were out at the time as many players went to play those (sort of like what they are doing now). Up until I think like a week ago, I was playing FFXIV and SWTOR. Came back to WoW to level for a bit as I want alts ready for SL.

I know several people in other MMOs I’m playing who are from WoW and simply rotate MMOs when content dries up, letting their subscriptions run out.

You can’t claim lost subs are because of anti-consumer practice because a) they aren’t and b) not the only reason people let subs run out.

But… I put a question mark at the end of my sentence. That means it’s a question.

Okay thanks for sharing?

Alright cool. But still, you should’ve been reverted back to whatever race you were prior.

Not sure if that works that way actually.