"You're not supposed to be good at everything"

But it’ll only take 8 hours to level a separate character and if BfA is anything to go by maybe two-three weeks to gear, might as well just make one for whichever specialized activity I want. Am I doing it right?

Ah, a part of me agrees but then again having a weird wacky assortment of armor feels fun to wear.

Also people know exactly what good stuff you got on, but that’s really the only pro for me personally. Lookin pretty is the only way I can do good DPS. :kissing_heart:

Two words: greedy algorithm.

Okay. I feel like this is pretty simple stuff.

I offer you a cookie if you do your homework. You want a cookie right? Who doesn’t? Free cookies are great. I love cookies too dude. But then I check in with you, and you didn’t do your homework - that cookie wasn’t really enough to make you do your homework. So does the cookie actually matter? It didn’t serve its purpose. Obviously once I put the cookie back in the cookie jar you say you want the cookie, but you just want the cookie, you don’t want to do your homework and if you didn’t do it before, will you actually do it now?

This is a subscription based game. Winning = subbing, losing = unsubbing. That’s it. It doesn’t matter if you had fun, it matters if you subbed or not. If you aren’t subbing through WoD’s content drought grinding out attempts on Challenge Mode, Challenge Modes failed as a feature because the carrot wasn’t enough to keep you hooked (and it isn’t as if the WoD dungeons weren’t fun either - WoD had some really cool dungeons, which makes it even a bigger bummer that the reward wasn’t enticing enough to make the content played).

Well said. Maybe a separate topic altogether, but creating an alt friendly environment is one way to address the issue.

The vendor essences and the like should not be an end game hail Mary to get us to continue the game.

Perhaps more account wide features and shared power should aggregate into a hypertoon.

Covenants aren’t going to work and that entire system completely discounts how the general playerbase actually plays the game.

I’ll let someone else talk about it though. Someone like this guy. I’m not sure who he is, but it seems like he understands what he is talking about. Someone named ‘Ralph:’

A bit, yeah.

I couldn’t imagine coming onto the forum and thinking I was going to “change the world… of warcraft”. The level of delusion to think that your arguments, not only just arguments, but specifically your arguments, are going to resonate and convince someone to cross the line and join your side… it’s laughable my friend. If you’re not having a good time, you, specifically you, really ought to pick up your bags, because you’re failing the “persuasive arguments” thing incredibly hard, absolutely nothing you said even strikes close to convincing.

It does matter if I’ve had fun, because that’s why I’m still subbed. That’s why I play games. For having fun. Because hard content, in addition to also looking cool by the end of it, is fun for me.

Also unsubbing is losing? If I unsub, I unsub because the game lost its fun aspects. I am winning by ridding myself of this game that is leeching money off my card each month, and then probably going to a game like FF14.

Having a better way to spend my time and money is actually MY win.

It was for a lot of people who actually did it. And they got their cosmetics that I’m insanely jealous of, which I use as a permanent reminder to do hard content for cool appearances.
I found WoD dungeons fun and innovative, or at least in their designs. I love Grimrail Depot because it’s entirely different from any other dungeon before it.
WoD raids were AMAZING, albeit far too few for my liking, I want more of Blackrock Foundry please.

What you think isn’t fun, is fun for others. I am incredibly easy to please when it comes to gameplay, and I’m easily driven for something like cosmetics. I am absolutely certain that other players share my sentiment, but it’s fine if they don’t.
If I gotta be the only player who likes all the stuff above, then so be it. I’ll do it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Though I guess the fear I’d have there is that people would just have 3 alts of their main’s class. Which is a convenient way to bypass the system and I’d classify as degenerate play. Dunno. The system is a real pickle.

Can we just have a gigantic enormous disclaimer that Sentenza did almost no content between MoP and WoD before he tries to talk about CMs?

Edit: Of course no CMs, he did one heroic dungeon in his entire time in MoP.

He seems to think he has this super unique opinion that is untouchable when in reality he just types 6 paragraphs to say nothing.

But fun, from Blizzard’s point of view, is a means to an end.

I mean specifically from Blizzard’s point of view. They are “doing well” when you sub, and “doing poorly” when you unsub. This is why people speak of subs constantly, because this is the language Blizzard speaks.

Obviously I recommend everyone vote with their wallet, the game would overall be better if everyone did so. In fact, part of the drama happening is a lot of people aren’t willing to vote with their wallet and so they’d rather start a ruckus and upset other people because they’re powerless without the ability to stop playing.

Blizzard is the designer, and they have a goal to design systems that drive subs up and avoid subs going down.

They were okay. I hated the nerfed secondary stats personally.

I don’t disagree with you at all BRF is in my top three for sure, maybe even my favorite I’m not sure.

The point though is that while you may have liked it, and “raid-loggers” may have liked it ,the people who “dungeon only” or play casually didn’t. Challenge Modes won’t hold someone over who likes to do emissaries and a few M+ keys a week. They fail utterly in that respect. CM isn’t a successful engagement system because I imagine, based on the sub loss, very few people remained subs specifically to consume that content.

Good luck trying to guess what content you’ll be able to minx-max consistently once you make your choice, especially if the content dynamically changes :rofl:


Edit: I agree with Blizzard. You shouldn’t be good at everything. You won’t be able to min-maxing they way you’re used to in this system on just one character. Adapt and overcome; be resilient.

Sentenza has done three heroic dungeons this expansion, 0 mythic dungeons.

His main form of content is the forums where he ferociously defends every Blizzard move.

Blizzard said their plan is to only make major changes between tiers where you’ll have time to match the swap and catch up. Whether this is true will remain to be seen. I imagine it will NOT be true with the first season but once things settle out it’ll be safe to lock in a choice season 3 or 4.

Blizzard also said corruptions would lead to less RNG than titanforging. Until the outcry for the vendor became deafening it was the most RNG system ever introduced to WoW.

I’d rather have WoD over BfA and BfA 2.0.

Why? Because of the way WoD handled PvP gearing. It was phenomenal.

None of this borrowed power crap limiting my class. The classes were great in WoD and felt like actual classes. Then blizz tried to do force you to play a spec over the class with all the borrowed power crap.

BfA had all this content you could do, but its awful because of the way classes are designed. WoD had very little content, but what it had felt great to do because your class was designed well.

I loved the WoD system. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like they are going to do PvP gear scaling, which stinks because that’s what a large majority of the PvP player base thinks is a good idea.

It was a great system that made it so that the type of content you did awarded the best gear for that content, but didn’t make you completely useless in the other form of content. I thought it was the best iteration of gearing they’ve had in WoW.

I thought so too. I loved not having to do boring m+ and the raid over and over before being able to PvP. :upside_down_face:

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You dont get to tell what people should care about.

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Fine. Why would you care about +1 DPS? I’m genuinely curious why this matter so much to some of you.