Those who want more m+ “fixes”

As a filthy casual delver I 1000% agree with this sentiment. But I also vehemently think delves should drop gilded crests at T8+. Hero track goes to 626, but only with gilded crests. If delves are limited to hero track we should at least be able to max it out without having to invade M+ or last 2 heroic/early mythic bosses. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

I do arena a lot and enjoy that

#1 and #2 aren’t fixes, they would ruin M+ for a lot of people… part of the fun of the season is working up to harder keys for higher rewards. It’s already disappointing that it caps at +10… anything lower would make it so faceroll and dumb.

#3 is partially a player-created problem. People just need to stop blaming Blizzard that tanking and healing is bad and do it.

the m+ timer should only exist in keys above +10, you know, where the esports and competitions actually happen.

blizzard just needs to revert the reward structure to how it was back in dragonflight.

+16 offering mythic vault and aspect crests… which converts to a +6 now. this will give people time to level up their gear and slowly work towards their portals. then if they want to push beyond that for rankings they can have at it on an even playing field, gear wise.

there was no need for blizzard to even change it in the 1st place. and just an fyi, i personally dont care about it. m+ in my opinion ruined this game, but as someone from the outside looking in, and as someone that lost many bnet friends because they just up and quit due to the m+ changes, i feel that blizzard reverting back the reward structure is the only thing that will save it and bring people back.

gear is not as precious as you might think. it is only equipped for a few months then it is obsolete. and making this process as painful and as convoluted as possible makes people just want to quit and not even bother with their mains, let alone doing it all over again on an alt.

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You should spend more time doing this research outside this forum. Yes, the things you listed are popular things… on this forum. You have to realize those posters also eat paste straight out of the jar for lunch.

I would support gilded at 9-10-11.
8s are pretty easy, especially if Bran is maxed. 9s and above get more interesting due to elites.

I could definitely buy that. Although T8s are still difficult for me (Bran isn’t near maxed). Otherwise I probably won’t do a T9 or above. I don’t have time to chase the meta achievement and without a reward increase there just isn’t a reason. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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Why do people always go with an all or nothing approach when talking about things? Well, if you want this fix you just want free easy gear, why not just have a button! It is so extreme and does nothing to address the argument except to downplay any sort of criticism.

At least as hunter you can pet tank. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve seen hunters on YouTube doing pulls I struggled with on tank. Getting Bran to 60 does make huge difference. He stays same level for your alts so can carry fresh 80s.

It wouldn’t be M+ anymore. It would have no secret sauce and every game would match or surpass WoW dungeons immediately.

There sure is a suspicious number of moon guard and wymrest accord liking the OP of certain bait threads today.

Good times.

Many of us like the timer. The fast pace makes it more exciting.

I agree with this part. Best loot, in order of my personal preference:

  • new friends who I can enjoy gaming with Bonus points if they enjoy same content as me and more bonus points if they have similar goals.
  • improving my skill at the game For me this mostly involves more reps with same spec in same content to build muscle memory.
  • transmog if it’s an appearance I expect to use right away. NOTE: I think of mounts as essentially transmog.
  • gear upgrades
  • transmog I might use someday on some alt I haven’t made yet.
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I haven’t leveled my hunter yet so no delves on her. So far I’ve done ret, demo, outlaw, and elemental. Demo was definitely easier at lower ilevels than outlaw for sure. First couple T8s on the ret I had to swap to prot for the final bosses but a 616 weapon solved that. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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That already exists, but people just choose not to.


I’ve been doing them on my new rogue, which was very different than on my tanks. More sneaking, more tricksing to Brann, more skipping pack and getting creative when I do have to fight.

I fix it by checking the healer box alongside the dps box.

Some of the time I check the tank box as well.

You can also find a group of consistent players. So many solutions.

me personally i’d like if there were some way to make it so you could toggle what dungeon/raid boss you want loot from in your vault. maybe add like a token like that to the socket vendor so you can more easily focus your bis pieces or be at the mercy of rng. me personally i’ve had some amazing luck (got heroic mandate out of a tw box a few months ago, had sacbrood drop from a high key, great luck on jewlery drops, etc) but this would cut down on a lot of the drudgery of m+

Which would come down to a skill level issue, which is on the players. Some players just can’t handle harder content n they need to realize it instead of living in denial.

Maybe if Blizz’s game was more populated, this wouldn’t be an issue.

Along with em capriciously punishing people that leave the run for one reason or another, which is something that shoulda been policed by the players in the first place instead of Blizz coming in with a hammer lookin for nails.

Find a guild of people who also don’t want to run m+, and get all your gear from the raid. It’ll just take longer.

No action from blizz needed.

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I agree. Allow lvl 11 fury warriors into m+

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