Those who want more m+ “fixes”

Damn, i guess you guys dont believe in delves? Mark my word they will be the main form of pve in the future.

i believe they exist and i happen to think they’re fine. not sure if i missed your point, sorry if so!

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But they lock the mythic track gear behind completing +10s for vault. Mythic raiding is and should always be the fastest way to gear because it’s much more difficult than any other form of content.

My end game pillar is M+, and I do delves on alts when I feel like playing them and my friends arent around for keys. I think what they have now for gearing is working fine, and the crest change being implemented next week is the right move.

If they were to make changes to delves for them to be more rewarding, I think the maps should have an increased drop rate, that way delvers can still get heroic track gear but a bit faster.

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I guess my next question is: Why should good gear be locked behind difficulty lvl? Take pvp for example: It used to be hard to gear up, today anyone can get full CP gear with minimal effort in 2 - 3 weeks and it doesnt affect the experience whatsoever.

the number of “first 4 bosses” mythic pugs i see in lfg currently makes me suspect that isn’t 100% the case

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Because this is a seasonal game. The hardest rewards are locked behind the hardest content so the seasons can last 5-6 months with people still progressing through the content during that time. Only what, 100ish guilds have cleared Mythic Nerub’ar in the 4 months we’ve been in this season?

As for the pvp gear, even the most basic of pvp gear scales to 636 when you enter a BG, so I don’t really know what the point between honour and conquest gear is besides gear quality and maybe some higher stats?

I won’t speak much on pvp because I don’t do much of it and I don’t know that corner of the game very well besides the fact people have been saying it’s dying for over a decade.

Heres my issue: I like / love raiding with my guild. I hate doing m+. Im stuck in a pickle because unless my guild carries me i wont be eligible to do mythic raiding with BIS heroic raiding gear. m+ shouldn’t be forced down our throat.

None of that has been an issue in the M+ community, you’re getting your information from the WoW forums? Or just an ignorant rage bait post?


I’m thinking this. The idea that we should cash shop mythic track coming from the crowd that says delves shouldn’t even provide a heroic vault has to be bait.


You can easily get up to heroic quality gear, especially with sparks as catch-up. But somehow that’s still not good enough and now people are at a crossroads of wanting to pay for Mythic ilvl gear instead of… Playing the game. Nevermind the fact, next week keys will be rewarding you handsomely on bricked keys.

If that isn’t a “Lolwut” moment when it comes to complaining about gearing idk what is.


a lot of people here conflate the actual m+ community with the small number of very vocal people here who hate it

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The numbers dont lie, YoY MoM to dragonflight you would haveto be dilusional to think that it is a small vocal minority who are unhappy with it.

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i don’t think that. but the people whining here are mostly not actually spending much time in m+.

another way to say it is: the complaints and “fixes” people post here do not generally line up with what people who actually do m+ suggest.

Well those people should cut to the chase and admit they want to be mailed bis gear

Wanting to pay for it instead is just silly. Especially when it’ll be throwaway gear for the next season.


Gotcha, yes i do agree there in that case. The most unhappy with m+ are obviously those forced to do it for progression, their opinion is completely different than the crowd who actually enjoys m+. Blizz needs to find a way to fix this


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What mostly compels those people is crests and vaults.

And crests were just buffed in M+ so that problem just got worse.

can’t they simply raid heroic/mythic instead?

Heroic raiding caps out at a maximum item level of 626, but the difficulty of Mythic raiding demands much higher gear levels. This forces players who want to progress into Mythic raiding to run Mythic+ for better gear. The alternative is to skip Mythic+ entirely and hope that one of the first two or four Mythic bosses, who are doable with 626 gear drops an upgrade, but that could take weeks. In a competitive environment that means you HAVE to do m+ if you want to keep up with your friends.