Those who want more m+ “fixes”

Why do all these players who can’t even time a +2 need max BiS gear slots? So they can join groups and be completely garbage because they don’t know how to play their class?

Being able to buy full gear won’t solve any problems, it will just create more problems.

If more players spent more time learning how to play their class instead of complaining that they can’t do content, the game would be far better off.


I think the opposite, if someone is a new player and is failing horribly at +2 they need the gear more than the skilled player.

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Gear doesn’t solve problems if you can’t figure out your class.


What they need is experience, patience, the ability to read a guide, and time.

The last thing they need is mythic gear so they can still die in a +2 but never under any circumstances be rewarded for it.


But it makes learning the class and being selectable easier.

No, it just gives a false sense of achievement because instead of getting 1 shot, they’re getting 3 shot.


I can agree with you there, which is why i previously suggested adding gilded crest drop to delves. Atleast the higher lvl ones. Say lvl 11 delves. That should prepare a newbie for the next tier of content imo.

It is kind of BS that mythic + only players are dependent on Raid gear to do competitive keys or waiting 16 weeks of perfect vaults and it’s also BS that for the first 2 weeks of season launch, Mythic Raid guilds are forced to do mid keys for Hero gear slots.

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By all means buy all the tokens and pay for all the carries that you want but making the game overtly P2W and removing all incentive to ever get better is a terribly backwards idea.


I think adding Gilded Crests to delves isn’t going to solve anything. It will just push their ilvl from 619 to 626. They won’t actually learn anything about the content they’re unable to complete if their ilvl is just a bit higher but they failed to do any research or reading on how to play their class in higher level content.

If you can’t complete the highest level of content, you don’t need or deserve the highest level of gear.

So your argument is that delves are unable to be their own venue that proves skill? I personally feel delves is in the infant stage, zekvir ?? is a good example of how much more difficult delve boss fights can become.

I think adding the highest level of gear rewards to the easiest content just makes doing the more difficult content pointless, especially when you can just solo it.

Why do +10s or Mythic raid if I can just max out my gear by doing delves every week?

Hero Track is a good end point for Delves.


The dinar system would address that. Or, if Blizzard wasn’t so lazy, they’d design the gear and cantrip effects to be best for the content they drop from.

Just had a healer quit cause tank wasnt pulling fast enough (we were on track for +2)… so i guess in the end, people will always break whats possible to be broken…

Can fix m+ as much as you want, blizzard will always be one step behind players (and thats not blizzard fault)

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The issue is that many players who want to do other forms of pve are forced to do m+. Me for example, i love raidign with my guild and love solo content (did brawlers guild, mage tower, pandaria champions set, and now zekvir ??).

M+ shouldn’t be the forced venue. Skill is irrelevant. I could argue getting gladiator is harder than any m+ that doesnt mean i deserve pve gear over you.



But if you look at the m+ complaining threads, and even the delve complaint threads, there are lots of players who want bis gear for doing much less difficult content.

Blizz putting the gear in the store would surely make them a ton of money because judging by the complaints, there would be a ton of demand for it.

So your solution is to make those people feel forced to do delves when they don’t want to on top of doing M+ that they don’t want to do?

Solo stuff is great, but this is an MMORPG. You’re not meant to solo your way to the highest gear.

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I don’t see what’s wrong with everybody’s endgame being 636 but high skill content just gets you there faster.

To those who will jump on this: We basically have that with crest exchange but it’s designed to take longer to than we will have in the season. What if it wasn’t?

What if people less skilled than you had, say, just one week to enjoy their max gear before the season changed? Would that really be THAT awful? You can just not play for that week since let’s be honest you already got everything and you aren’t anyway.


I don’t agree with this logic, players in an MMO should be able to play how they wish whether its solo play, pvp, pve, raiding, m+, pet battles, collectors. etc.

If Blizzard agreed with your logic they would make mythic raiding gear much better than any m+ attainable gear but they dont, instead they are investing in solo play hence delves.


they can and they do. they just can’t necessarily get every single thing they might want by doing so. people make their choices :man_shrugging:

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