Or and hear me out. They don’t waste time with silly side quests for multiple class race combos and be like “you woke up today as whatever race you choose and can be whatever class you wish”.
Isn’t freedom great.
If you want an overly restrictive lifestyle move to a country were communism or a dictatorship runs the joint.
The Lore hasnt been respected since they introduced Undead Hunters. Idc Sylvannas is a banshee with a bow at best (no pet) they shouldve been granted to the class with solo Marksman only available to them. In no other game or media do undead EVER get cuddly with animals of the natural world, BUT THAT imo was the beginning of the end to respecting the lore of the game.
With all of the other issues or retainability with players and returning players this is HUGE, to take a gaming history lesson, NOT respecting or detracting from established lore of the game is one of the things that killed SOE Everquest, in one of their last expansions they dropped all race/class restrictions and even made it possible to player class “monsters”. As you can see it didnt work saving their game.
To those reading and disagree, the Lore is the story , ppl were attracted to the initial story but if you start making serious changes to the story you run the chance of ruining it. Peace
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This post made me giga-cringe.
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Or hear me out, they just go the Taruen priest/paladin or Nelf mage route and the quest is nothing more then a return item or attend a meeting deal, over and done with in less then 20-30 mins, and likely could be phoned in if someone really wanted to.
By that token, forsaken priests should have been shadow or disc only, no holy spec, since the start. The only thing I would have changed for forsaken hunters is all their pets take on the decayed/diseased/etc look.
The lore was not broken, but one thing some must keep in mind, as far as individual classes for races, is gameplay often trumps lore. Lore wise most forsaken priests are likely shadow, as far as forsaken hunters, citing Sylvanis is fine BUT lets not forget Nathanos, who might have been the owner/master of the Blighthounds around his old home.
Night Elf Paladins make more sense than Lightforged Warlocks. : /
I don’t care about lore. I’ve played since 2005 and had to look up who Jaina was when people were like “omg it’s jaina” when BFA came out.
But I’m against the new race/class combos.
I care about (1) the look of the game, and (2) coherent world building.
Call me crazy, but it’s a fantasy open-world RPG… usually the types of games known for coherent world-building y’know?
After all, why do you think there were restrictions in the first place? Coherent world building. Cultivating a World of Warcraft that is recognizable, with specific races, classes, cultures. Not a mess like it’s a microsoft paint.
In any event, I wish there would be no new race/class combos. It cheapens the existing one and waters down the world.
We will have:
- Goblin paladins
- Pandaren Demon Hunters
- Void Elf Shamans
And the game will look worse… not better… It will make the few people who always really wanted to make that mechagnome druid happy, but for the whole of the community, the game will look less and less recognizable. It will look worse.
It’s like kids on the playground, playing star wars, and then one kid insists on being spiderman… remember how that just ruined the whole game lol
I’m just going to quote myself from a post in a different thread:
Only replace “immersion” with “(1) the look of the game, and (2) coherent world building”.
yes it is a fantasy game so draenei’s, you know, the humanoid goat people from space with the russian accents? being warlocks should not be a strange concept but here we are
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Jikes, you do make an incredible good point! LOL!!!
No way to counter that without destroying the “Respect Lore” argument itself!
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That’s the entire point though, in WoW it is a strange concept. Fantasy worlds have parameters, and breaking those kills it.
What if the next hobbit movie, the hobbits could breathe fire. Not too ridiculous right? There are dragons in middle earth anyway.
Nope. Totally kills it. There aren’t any real good examples to use on this topic because other companies are smart enough to protect their beloved well-built worlds and don’t ruin them by letting fans just change whatever they want.
It’s impossible to be one of those they don’t exist. You play one. I think you might be taking this game a little too seriously if you think you are a Void Elf.
Aurora’s voice startled him. “I had wondered why the pangs of the addiction felt so eased
lately. I have not needed… help… to cope.”
“The magic in the Sunwell is different now,” Lor’themar said. “It may take a while for some
to adjust.”
“Some, yes.” Aurora reached her hand up and seemed to grasp something that Lor’themar
could not see, twisting it between her fingers as if it were a long ribbon. “I am a priestess of the
Light. I know this magic.”
Lor’themar Theron: In the Shadow of the Sun
Does not seem like headcanon to me.
Three things can be caught here. First, Aurora shows us, that the reignition was automatically felt by even the High Elves.
Second, Lor’themar explains that it would take a while for -some- to adjust, most likely meaning those who did not deal with light magic before the Sunwell’s corruption and destruction. Suggesting that all elves connected to the Sunwell would have to deal with both the arcane and light energies.
And third, those who were familiar with light magic, could immediately identify it, again supporting the first point.
So many things that are touted as progress, aren’t however. It’s change for the sake of change, or spin to mask an agenda. Things do change, however not always for the better, and developers fixing what wasn’t broken to put their “mark” on the game has destroyed much of what it was built on.
Trying to justify their hamfisted clumsiness by dressing it up as progress is illogical, as is accepting mediocre decisions as being inevitable. Burning existing customers in some misguided attempt to attract new ones is hardly a sound strategy.
Those in control of this game have managed to consistently undermine the games former greatness. Check their track record, it’s failure after failure.
Who cares about lore? It fell off post-legion, now its garbage.
They do have Warlocks.
They’re the Red ones that joined the Burning Legion.
With the fall of the Legion, I would have expected Blizzard to give Red Eredar customizations as the hook for why Draenei society is having Warlocks running around now.
Lightforged need more work as they spent 10,000+ years fighting demons and were Reforged for it.
It’s a role-playing game. Please unclench.
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Do you yell at kids to get off your lawn? You come across as one who would.
You don’t have to like progress. The game, the lore, however has to be able to evolve and expand. Keeping it intact is not good for the longevity or health of the game.
Clearly quite a few players do….
Prob 0.1% who still care. Everyone else has dismissed wow lore as hot garbage fanfic with a bit of sylvannas obsession.
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These two aren’t mutually exclusive. The inability to achieve both is frankly, a skill issue.