Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

You’re arguing past me, which is a shame. You fail to address the points raised previously, in favour of your own non-sequitur, which is poor practice.

i’m sure you can reference previous comments. postulating that there is no mechanical restriction and leaving the cultural issue unaddressed is like saying there’s no lore reason why Garrosh couldn’t be a warlock. he’s just an orc, after all.

I see an opportunity; a wasted one at that. Is it telling, that you come to the same possible conclusion that the people you’re opposing have already suggested?

And, to be honest…

No i want the lightforged to fall. i want them to intertwine the threads from the mag’har questline, the x’era cinematic, the alleria book, the Iridikon bargain. I want to see the lightforged crack, become a twisted parody of themselves, like the iron horde under garrosh.

Engagement comes from conflict, and i want to see this one.

For once, the alliance can play the bad guys, no?

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