Thori'dal, legendary bow for Warriors (TBC)

I’m going to be arcane in TBC and we have Mana issues, I should get melee weapon prio incase I run out of Mana!! Then I can melee!!

No, I’m literally saying that if a Warrior gets a bow, then one would naturally assume they would use it to shoot things.

I didn’t realize that was hard to figure out.

That’s insightful thanks for adding all that valuable input.

He’s a troll. This is all he does.

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I didn’t think it was that insightful myself. Just answering a question posed by one of the posters here.

Thank you for explaining what a bow does

You’re welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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my thoughts if it were myself, Uhm no tf you thinking, hunter can have it, gimme glaives :slight_smile:

Yea it’s basically selfish people who would take it over a hunter tbh.

We all understand who benefits from it the most.

Luckily I’m not in those kind of trash guilds, so I don’t need to worry about it, I just feel bad for the hunters that are.

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Yeah, people tended to forget that not having ammo, but having a higher dps value instead was actually a buff.

I still maintain that it is by far the lamest legendary made, as the way it was significantly better than other bows felt almost unintended, rather than the focus of the weapon, unlike say, the warglaives.

It didn’t have any interesting procs or effects like other legendaries up to that point.

Sulfuras launched Fireballs and had a damage reflect built into it.
Thunderfury procced a Chain Lightning that slowed attack speed.
Atiesh gave a buff to the party depending on the class that wielded it and gave a teleport to Karazhan.
Warglaives gave a massive haste proc and tons of attack power against Demons, while also being a slow MH and really fast MH set of swords.

Thori’dal did more damage. The lack of ammo would be cool, but they specifically had to make the bow do tons of damage to make up for the fact that it’d be a DPS loss otherwise.

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warglaives should have no class restrictions if thoridal doesnt or add shamans to having them since they are the only other class that can dual wield(besides hunters) that can have a melee spec.

Shaman also can’t use swords.

Shamans wouldn’t even want the Warglaives, or at least not the off-hand.

They want a slow off-hand because Stormstrike doesn’t suffer from weapon normalization, and there are higher DPS weapons that also have a slower speed.

The main-hand would be good because it’s one of the only 2.8 speed mainhands in the game, though.

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Well I wasn’t even going to mention weapon speed, since they can’t equip it in the first place. They’d have to change the weapon type first - to maces I guess, which is the weakest weapon type for Combat Rogues in PvE, so they’d be upset.

Sure, sure, but even assuming they could, it wouldn’t be all that good for them, is my point.

Same as Thori’dal for Rogues and Warriors. Sure, they can equip it, but they wouldn’t really want to.

Doesn’t Fury not often use the OH excluding like, say, a Demon boss anyway? Doesn’t Fury still want a slow oh in TBC? Or am I just not remembering right?

In a world where hunters complained BITTERLY about ammo. This was a really big thing for them to get extra slots. In the long run of course It was a final boss drop moving into an expansion that really propped up I-level

AFAIK the legendary bow has arrow dps included in the weapon…and if you substract the dps from arrows, it’s still like 10dps ahead over any other ranged weapon.

From what I remember, the problem was with Steadyshot doing less dmg with the legendary due to not having “real” ammo/arrows, it was calculated differently and resulted in a net loss while using Steadyshot but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t know enough about the subject.

Edit: looks like it’s the total opposite…Steadyshot does way more damage because of that bow. Well that’s good news :slight_smile:

Doesn’t the quiver bonus still apply to the bow, though? Just not arrow DPS? So they’d have the same amount of slots.

Based on this thread it’s the other way around. Steady Shot never took arrow DPS into account, but it takes weapon DPS into account, which means the much higher weapon DPS of Thori’dal was a massive damage boost to SS.