Thori'dal, legendary bow for Warriors (TBC)

(edit: My information was bad, it’s actually good for hunters assuming TBC doesn’t release with a very, very late patch.)

Wasn’t the arrow issue corrected in Wrath prepatch?

I am not even a hunter anymore and I just came here to say if I see a warrior with it I’m stabbing them with my dagger and taking their glaives. I don’t give a damn if I’ma priest.

it just wouldnt be TBC with this change…


Warriors deserve all the legendaries because they are tanking for you. Sorry.


Fixed it for you.


If you’ve got Thoridal, you’ve beaten the game therefore it really doesn’t matter.

and rogues.

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That’s not true, though. lol

Do research before denying facts. lol.

I understand that logic and it’s not wrong, but a lot of people with Gressil or Nerubian Slavemaker still play WoW Classic religiously.

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You can still equip arrows and they will affect your damage, but they just don’t get consumed. Not sure what you’re talking about OP. That late into TBC, you really think Blizzard would put out a legendary that was a downgrade from regular weapons?

That’s misinformation, or you’re referring to a WOTLk patch.

In TBC it worked as such:

"Attempting to add ammunition to the paper doll slot Thori’dal did not add extra DPS, and instead produced an error message, “Ammo slot full.” "

I’m pretty sure it had higher base dps than any other ranged weapon to compensate, but I played a Paladin so it wasn’t really on my radar. Can’t say for sure.

I know it had the quiver attack speed baked in.

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Yeah, I’ve done my research. Have you?

The optimal rotation for Hunters is a 1:1 ratio of Auto Shots to Steady Shots. The 4PT6 bonus adds 10% damage to Steady Shot.

Oh, and 53 DPS from ammo doesn’t outweigh the MASSIVE increase to DPS built into the weapon’s damage. Oh, and that damage affects Steady Shot, by the way, and ammo doesn’t.

Just in case you’re bad at math and don’t want to research how to subtract numbers, I’ll do it for you.

162.8 - 53 = 109.8
109.8 > 97.3

2.7 is the optimal speed for a Hunter, and the baked in weapon damage means your Steady Shots do truckloads more damage.


They’re going to be used into TBC and will probably stick around till replaced with raid/heroic weapons. Wrath weapons will quickly replace TBC ones.

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Some people just actually enjoy playing the game and those weapons happen to be the best available. /shrug

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Will never happen with that person.

That was a lot better than the condescending “lol”, and actually very useful infos, so thanks:)

All I could find were decades of theorycrafters dissing the bow, but it looks like with a certain steady-shot macro and a patch which gave bows normalization it finally performs well, and if that macro and normalization is applicable in TBC-Classic then Hunters finally get a hunter weapon.

Well, I apologize for condescending originally, I s’pose.

It just seemed sort of self-evident considering the DPS value on the bow more than made up for the loss of ammo.

I don’t think the macro is really applicable, nor is it necessary for the 1:1 rotation. From my understanding, the macro refers to a macro that combines Steady Shot and Kill Command. The rotation can be summed up as “spam the hell out of Steady Shot and sometimes your Auto Shots fire in between because of ability queuing.”

Thori’dal is an upgrade regardless of that. Even just auto attacking with it is a DPS increase.

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Blizzard really stuffed up big time when they didn’t put a class restriction on this legendary bow like how they did with amor sets etc

Biggest meme of the century is a warrior or rogue winning this over a hunter. I actually encourage the hunters if said guild /gquit once a non hunter class obtains this over rightful hunters


The macros other function was basically to make it so it was impossible to clip an auto shot whilst simultaneously letting spam the he’ll out of it to queue your next steady shot the instant your auto shot fired. Necessary no, but if it yields perfect results whilst putting in zero brain power you bet everyone is going to use it haha.