Thori'dal, legendary bow for Warriors (TBC)

That item can be looted by anyone, and the quest can be completed (and Thunderfury obtained) by any class.“not-a-bug”-list-updated-dec-3-2020/175887/182


Well that’s unfortunate, guess I’ll be doing MC on my Warlock every week in TBC then.

I dont plan to go to Wrath but will stay on a TBC eternal server so this bow will be bIS eternal for me.

bro warriors get hand of rag and tf, let the hunters get their bow

Do you know how trash that would be to be a hunter in a raid and the raid gives it to a warrior rofl.

I think 99% of the time it will go to the hunter, but their are those special cases where people go full stupid.


Warrior been with guild since inception, helping other raid members get attunements, farm pre 5 man content for pre bis, does recruiting, bakes cookies, shares the illist memes.

Hunter joined 3 weeks ago and holds the PTT key when coughing during raids.

Warrior gets Bow. Hands down.

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If he was still a trial I could see that.

Once he becomes a member and usually three weeks he’s a member he gets the bow.

The Bo does nothing for the raid in the hands of a warrior.

It’s not even like Atiesh where it’s a symbol it’s literally just a bow that drops with no quest.

Seeing as how the bow drops off the final boss of the expansion, I’d argue it’s pretty much a status symbol for any who would get it.

Like the KT weapons now. Make farming a bit easier, but I’ve already killed the final boss, so anything I get is just icing.

I’d agree with you if the bow was actually useful to other classes.

But at that point the hunters already passed his trial phase probably and it’s way better than a warrior getting it.

I’m also the same stance as other weapons say the warrior is new and he’s only three weeks in and a weapon drops that he really wants but a hunter was there before him since the hunter doesn’t really melee I’d always give it to the warrior since he’s passed his trial most likely.

Assuming, incorrectly in most cases, that the entire guild just stops raiding after killing Kil’jaeden.

Exactly: still useful for all the people who still play the game.

If all you care about is killing the boss, sure. That’s an INCREDIBLY low standard, though. Most people aren’t satisfied with just killing the boss once. If they were, they wouldn’t keep playing after the killed the bosses.

If it’s an actual upgrade for a member, it goes to the member of the trial every time, in my opinion.

Trial or not, though, I’d never give the bow to a Warrior over a Hunter. I’d give it to a freaking PUG Hunter before I let a Warrior get their hands on it. Trial Hunter’s first week? Sorry, but that’s a Hunter weapon, and if a Hunter needs it, a Hunter gets it.

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That’s my point.

3 weeks typically is 1 week after your trial, most trials are 2 weeks.

So in his scenario in most guilds that hunter is a raiders bow goes to him.

That now literally does nothing for any other class except a stat stick.

Maybe he wants to use it to shoot things.

So with that logic the hunter can take all the melee weapons to melee things.

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That’s what melee weapons do.

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Your guild has the best loot rules I bet.

You probably have Mages with thunder fury.

Hunters with a wraith blade.

Oh we don’t play by those loot rules. He just asked why a Warrior would take the bow and I just assumed it was the reason why any Warrior would take the bow.

My point being, with the gear I have now, I’ve killed KT. So anything that upgrades will make it a bit easier, but has little affect on how things will go for the rest of the expansion.

I’ll keep killing KT till BC launches so people who want gear from him can get it, but none of it will be required. I look at loot from any endgame boss the same way. It’s all just vanity gear to show off what you have accomplished.

Thunderfury or Warglaives are totally different in that once you have them, there is still a good bit of progression content to clear. But if I ever bother to get a Hungering Cold, it will be icing. Nice, but mostly moot. If a Warlock won Hungering Cold, because it’s been there dream to wield it, I wouldn’t be too bothered if they earned that loot.

If Thori’dal dropped from Kael’thas, it would be a different story.

I understand your perspective, but I just don’t think it’s one that many people share.

People will continue to raid well after they’ve killed the boss because raiding is what they enjoy. Even if they can already kill bosses with the gear the have, doing even better next week is something they’re interested in.

Even if they don’t care about raiding after that point, they might use it for PvP, leveling in TBC, farming, etc.

I think the number of people who would be willing to give a legendary bow to a Warrior over a Hunter is incredibly small, even if it’s the last boss of the expansion.

Hell, it could be the last week of the expansion and I guarantee the majority of people would be more inclined to give it to a Hunter.

No, you’re just acting stupid and giving troll answers.

You know what he means, why would a warrior take that bow over a hunter, and your answer was to “shoot things”.

The question really wasn’t if he would use the bow to shoot things, it was a why would you take that bow over a class that can actually use it.

Unless warriors shooting is in their dps rotation in tbc?

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I wanted Gress not because it helps me do more deeps, although that’s fun too, but because it is just kind of a symbol of beating the raid. We gave a crest to a feral druid. I’m sure there are hunter’s with Gress. Once you get to end-game min/maxxng just doesn’t really matter that much unless you’re still super concerned about pushing speed clear times.
So you reward the player, not the class.

Thoridal is obviously better for a Hunter for the same reason high-dps melee weapons are generally better for a melee class. But the armor-pen in particular still makes it hands-down the best ranged weapon in the game for a rogue/war