Thori'dal, legendary bow for Warriors (TBC)


In any case, Thori’dal is good.

I dont always agree with you, but in this case youre spot on!

You need to get that chip off your shoulder. Just as in other threads where they interacted with you, Ironchain is right. It was a common misconception at the time that Thori’dal wasn’t good for Hunters (among people who didn’t play Hunters), but the weapon DPS alone is a giant upgrade.

I didn’t even know arrow DPS didn’t apply to Steady Shot, which makes the difference even larger.


I remember the collective outrage on not just the server, but forums as a whole, when that rogue from Area 52 got it before the hunters.


I think that had less to do with how, “good” it was and about guild drama.

That would be a much better example.

More than one rogue got it in TBC. The hunters dealt with it then. They’ll deal with it in the future.

This is what really makes the PVE difference. 2.6/2.7 is also the optimal bow/gun speed so Thoridal hits that perfectly on top of just the raw stats and the increased steady shot damage. Weapon speed is actually pretty important in TBC, to the point that it makes guns like Wolfslayer or Don Santos better than most/all of the T5/T6 weapons, depending on your rotation. For a 1:1 Wolfslayer from karazhan is BIS until sunwell


So if warriors are getting Thori’dal, where’s my friggin Thunderfury? It says Hunter and has agility. Hand it over please.


On Netherwing and probably other TBC private servers Steady shot doesnt clip auto shot which makes the macro basically like he described… But I would assume/hope we’ll get behavior closer to the original TBC which makes the macro more useful. Manually casting steady is still usually marginally better, particularly for something like a 1.5:1 rotation, but for a 1:1 or 3:2 the macro gets you pretty close and allows you to focus on other things like raid mechanics and pet management

Why would you ever give it to anyone over a Hunter? It’s a huge DPS increase for Hunters, and a marginal stat stick increase for everyone else.

What lunacy would lead people to decide that especially now?


Hunters were new. Rogue had been there since the start of TBC. Its end-game so dps doesn’t really matter anymore. Same logic as Atiesh or Scarab mount… you’re giving it to the person not the class

Sure, I guess… somewhat? Except in the case before, they still would clear SWP more and having a Hunter with it would be better.

They got flamed and rightfully so.


By people on the forums who had absolutely nothing to do with the guild or the decision. The 2 hunters had both come in after pre-nerf Muru which was incredibly difficult. The rogue had been there since Kara.
If a hunter joins our guild tomorrow and Slavemaker drops next week… he’s not gonna get it regardless of how big an upgrade it is.
Laty from Bakers took a Gressil that he uses occasionally on trash… Sometimes even in a min/max guild every decision isn’t centered around min/maxing.

And that’s the point. Rewarding loyalty is one thing, rewarding someone being loyal over what is best for the raid in the long run is stupid. And that’s why they got flamed.


What’s the lore on Thori’dal?

Bow belongs to Vereesa Windrunner, Sylvanas’s sister. She’s a Hunter.

Put two and two together. Thori’dal is a Hunter’s bow.

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Why would a warrior take this bow?

Actually, it doesn’t say Hunter. Thunderfury has no class restrictions on it.

I mean technically that’s true, Thunderfury itself has no class restriction printed on it.

However it’s a quest reward and that quest can only be started from an item restricted to Warriors, Paladins, Hunters, and Rogues.

Warglaives have Warrior and Rogue printed on them, which is totally unfair.

That already happened in 2008 https: //blizzardwatch. com/2018/05/25/wow-archivist-fury-thoridal/