Thnx for new Chosen Identity racial


At this point it’s better to wait for PTR and test it ourselves :dragon:

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Here it is from the mouth of god and i’ll do my best to explain how that would function in-game.

In the next build, Dracthyr will no longer switch to Visage when getting on a mount, flight path, etc. Additionally, they will have a new racial ability called Chosen Identity that you can “Activate to automatically assume your Visage when you leave combat or after Soaring

So. Most abilities evoker has switch you out of visage, they use animations specific to the dragon form. The only ones that don’t that i can remember off the top of my head are Living Flame (dps filler/ST heal), the green AoE heal, Firestorm (red aoe talent), and their root ability.

Things like Azure Strikes, Pyre, Disintegrate, Flame Breath, Deep Breath, Eternity Surge, your movement ability, and Charged Blast all activate it. So they could make it so you switch after every ability, but you spend a lot of time casting these spells and it would be a visual yo-yo.

Unless they rig more of these animations to be done in visage form, and whether they’ll do that remains to be seen, but i am skeptical that they would.

That said, i actually think you can switch out of dragon form IN combat, could be wrong but every streamer i’ve watched with it on their bar doesn’t have it greyed out in combat, but it uses a GCD, which is going to murder any dps you’re doing if you try to do that.

I personally would have wanted to use the visage in combat more, but this is a worthy compromise in my opinion.


Why can’t Dracthyr just fly (or even hover above the ground) and act as their own mount?

A dragon with wings riding another dragon is just silly


I hope they listen and let us fly with our wings :frowning:

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Technically they can.

Once every five minutes.

It’s really dumb they can’t

Especially in non-Dragonflight zones. There’s no reason they can’t just fly like a mount there



For demon hunters too.


Sure, I don’t see why not. Illidan was able to fly too.

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Knife to meet you as well.

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Yes! This is what I wanted as well!

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Yes! Although that’s not new. If you check alpha videos on YouTube, you’ll see Dracthyr were already able to cast certain spells in Visage form (only certain spells, the rest of abilities makes your dragon form kick in).

Do you transform back at least?

Currently, no. With this new racial, yes :slight_smile: (when you leave combat).


Does this mean that, say, after using a skill that would turn you into your Drac form in combat, you’ll immediately swap back to Visage form, even when still in combat? That would be endlessly cool, and that 100% makes this a class I’m going to play.

Even better if Worgen gets the same treatment too one day.

EDIT: To be clear, if it worked like this, this would secure my pre-order. Just saying.


Ehh thats a bit dissapointing. Would like it to work like demonhunters.

Err, sadly I doubt it’s going to work that way. You will immediately swap back to Visage form after leaving combat. Nothing has been said about during combat, although allegedly you can manually click on the ability during combat to swap back to visage form according to some other posters. So I guess you can always macro your abilities to do that for you automatically even in combat.

We’ll see!

If it means i will never need to see those visage forms that is great.

That’s one of its uses, yes!

Still a bit sad that most of combat can’t be done in visage form but expected, hope they also give the ability for Worgens to automatically go human once out of combat.