Thnx for new Chosen Identity racial

That was a smart move, it’s much better:

In the next build, Dracthyr will no longer switch to Visage when getting on a mount, flight path, etc. Additionally, they will have a new racial ability called Chosen Identity that you can “Activate to automatically assume your Visage when you leave combat or after Soaring.” Chosen Identity will stay toggled on until manually deactivated. As a note, existing Alpha characters may not have Chosen Identity learned.

Now, can we please have the CD on Soar reduced? If not, could we at least have the option to fly (as in, the traditional 310% flying) in Dracthyr form, considering Dracthyr don’t have any racial mount?



Nice. Now add mogging to dragon form and we’ll be just about there.


Also please give this ability to the worgen since cataclysm many of us have been asking for this functionality.


Only if pants are able to be hidden.


This so much :point_up:t3::point_up:t3::point_up:t3:

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Thank goodness they arent listening to the “let me just be a human all the time” types and we get the option to play as a dragon… when we play as a dragon. This is a relief that they are going to right way on this issue and not bending to the blood/high elf rage mob that just wants to be an elf that can breathe fire…

As if we need more elf customizations jeeze…


A dragon on a dragon because they were too lazy to let Dracthyr fly.


I’m not sure I’m following how this works. When you leave combat, you can toggle on Visage. But reptile form is needed in combat. So I don’t understand.

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Um, I’m not sure you understood it correctly.

The new racial essentially gives us the freedom to choose to play indefinitely either

  1. in dragon form all the time; or
  2. in visage form all the time except when certain draconic abilities are used, which will make your character turn into a dragon, but you’ll turn back into visage form once you’re out of combat.


I was very happy to read this is being added but I agree with others that it should be extended to Worgens as well.

And I say that not even being on Alliance.


A dragon riding a dragon would be like me trying to ride a gorilla…


You should get one of those uldum pygmy stacks as a mount

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Well… that’s dumb. lol

Sorry I missed that post. Thank you for linking it. :two_hearts:

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Hey good for them i guess, i was just worried with the tide of bickering and whining the high elf crowd was doing they’d make dragon form almost non existent. Admittedly I read the good news for my side of the debate and just got excited and posted.

Always in the camp of more options is better, though this one in particular I really don’t understand the other side…

All they need is to add a shark with lasers.


Great. Now all they need to do is add the same functionality to Worgen Two Forms and Void Elf Entropic Embrace.


Visage form still looks half-draconic. Worgen are just Humans. If you want to play a Human, play a Human. There are two types for you.


omg if this is true then im definitely playing them now!

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All they’re asking for is the ability to be able to opt into having human form turn back on when combat is exited instead of having to press a button every time.