The exact same logic as yours lol.
No you didn’t.
Also, which content creators? The ones not playing WoW? I mean if we are using that has a metric, it looks like both games are in the exact same boat lol.
The exact same logic as yours lol.
No you didn’t.
Also, which content creators? The ones not playing WoW? I mean if we are using that has a metric, it looks like both games are in the exact same boat lol.
I played FFXIV in like 2017 (Jan 16, 2017 according to Steam. 70.6).
Quazzi I think his name is (big FF shill) released a video on “what to do during the FFXIV content drought” only a few weeks after Asphodelos released. That’s crazy. Imagine someone like Talie releasing a video recommending different coping mechanics to deal with a drought only a few weeks after 9.2 released. People would have his head calling him a shill.
It’s insane. FFXIV content creators are like die-hard fanboys who don’t even realize how negatively their cope comes across as.
Right, so you didn’t.
Ok? And how many WoW content creators were already quitting Shadowlands less than a month in? A lot.
Didn’t what? Play the game?
I did play the game. It just wasn’t good.
No you didn’t.
sadly, thats why FF14 will never beat WOW in sales and will be the second wheels of MMO 10 years in the market …
they don’t push Yoshi-P and Square enix Devs to make the game better
Lost Ark is the superior weeb game to FF14.
Played Endwalker for 2 months and got my fill, but after playing LA and WoW at the same time, I can’t imagine ever going back to FF14 again.
FF14s playercount according to Steam has dropped to its lowest level since the summer streamer surge and that’s only 2 months after the expansion launch. The biggest issue was their still unresolved server capacity issues and they stopped selling the game for a whole month. Twitch and reddit viewership has dropped like a rock as well and it’s at its lowest point in a year.
It may be fun to poke at FF14, but New World is the real loser here. By the end of this month it could be down to less players than even FF14. Heck, BF2042 has less players than BF4/BF5/BF1…
Lost Ark is just a better game than FF14/New World so a lot of people are switching over to that.
Hard disagree.
Having played Lost Ark to max level and now realised that the grind I have to get through is basically just the exact same thing over and over and over and over again. It does not have the same variety in dungeons and raids as FFXIV or WoW, and it’ll eventually force you into a - not 300 hour grind, but a 1500 grind or pull your credit card out and get swiping. I am not a streamer or a high school student anymore, I have a full time job, luckily no family, but I do fitness, so I am looking at about 4 hours of game time each day, and the weekends are spent cleaning and going out with friends and leave me with about 6 hours on saturday and sunday. That is about 32 hours of gameplay each week.
The grind is far worse in Lost Ark than it is in WoW, and that is why Lost Ark will eventually die hard in the west. What it has working in its favor, is pretty much the same as FFXIV. It is a MMORPG that has been out for years and one which people have only started getting into recently, which means it has a lot of content that is “new”.
Whilst WoW CAN hamster-wheel you along for months a time, it does so in the most boring and unsatisfying way possible. FFXIV is the better MMORPG as far as I am concerned, regardless of its playerbase, solely because it lets you experience much of the content within a reasonable period of time (The only reason it does not seem like this is because you have a lot of content to do if you first start now). The MMORPG is not built to lure you around with a carrot on a stick like you are a little piglet, it is built to let you have your fun and then you can unsubscribe or remove yourself from it, play another game and entertain yourself thus until the next patch, which does not force you to undergo a new gear grind, no, you just pick up from where you left off.
Then as is usually tradition, you play for a few weeks if not months, do some chatting, raiding, you may end up doing ultimates, a little golden saucer here and there, and then you leave again until next patch.
The game is built like that, as it should be. It is not a second job, it is a video game.
Yea, you don’t actually know how the endgame works. You can’t even grind since you are time gated by daily stuff you can finish in 20-30 minutes.
The only way you can really grind is with a roster full of alts, and that’d only be necessary if you are concerned about cutting edge content, which most people will not be due to the difficulty.
It still exists.
Well seems like it. Never really got into the hype of “WoW killers”. Especially considering they do better to kill MMO’s by building this unrealistic expectation instead of just let it be it’s own thing.
You’re forgetting the fact this game isn’t just on Steam and isn’t exclusive to the PC only. The Steam charts only tracks steam users.
Here’s one of the games MMOPopulation is keeping track of, i’l let you decide how reliable that site is and their numbers.
Do you seriously need hype for a video game? Hype doesn’t increase quality of the video games.
Welcome to a world of Playstation Fanboys being upset and salty over a 88 on metacritic over their new horizon game and blame Xbox players for everything.
Nah i’m just kidding.
To be fair though, having a FF14 sub and WoW sub aren’t mutually exclusive to one another.
If advertisement had no value then 99% of internet revenue would not be based around it. Alot of bad content becomes main stream because people get manipulated into trying it out. The advertisement right now is that it has a large playerbase which it actually does not. The game is basically barren right now it takes 2 hours to make a group.
…Okay then.
Ehh, i see where you’re getting at, but in a world of easy to access reviews, i don’t see this as a major issue.
Which advertisement were talking about by the by?..
Oh you mean “WoW killer” one? The one that is totally on the community there?
There is some overlap, but most, if not all of those posts were people who normally post here just trying to get a rise out of people. It was nothing more than bait.
Same with any other x is a wow killer post that has existed for years now.
Same with over-hyping any game in general, tbh.
Call me a fun sucker, but i am getting tired of like these “WoW killer” etse hype that goes on in the video game community. I get being excited, but to already declare something is going to be the second coming of crocodile Jesus before you even played the game is silly. You’re (not you, in general speaking) building this unobtainable expectation that is only going to let you down.
Or in other words…
/Puts on the riot gear, gets out a baton and shield.
…Half Life 3 when it comes out, isn’t going to be the Half Life 3 you think it will be.
As said, a 1500 hours grind… I may have been a little optimistic about that number, it may be more akin to a 3000 hours grind.
I don’t think there’s every going to be a true wow killer unless Blizz comes up with a proper sequel.
That said, a lot of good games have been chipping away at the player base over the years. Couple that with inept wow devs, and you have what we have today. A game that’s a shadow of what it used to be.
WoW itself is still incredibly profitable even with a lower playerbase. It will eventually die regardless though because it’s hard to keep a 17+ year old game still holding its playerbase. It’s just a miracle that it’s still actually around.
WoW will never be what it was back in the 2000s because it was a cultural phenomenon and the gaming market back then is nothing like we have now. It’s kind of like what Fortnite is now and that fame will eventually go away.
Microtransactions are profitable, yes.
There is a reason free to play games far out-earns even subscription based MMORPGs.
Lost Ark will be more profitable despite not having a box price for base game or expansions or even a sub fee - even when the playerbase eventually dies down to be less than New World.
You know what is more profitable than today’s microtransactions? Millions of subs!