This '' WOW Killer '' lost 70 % of players in 2 Months and still going

Speaking as an actual FF player:

Only twice in the last two months have I been able to log into the North American Data Center without a Queue… and that’s after Squareenix opened up an entire other data center, upgraded their servers, and offered some big incentives to transfer, and their closest runner up competitor (that’s WoW) dropping a massive content drop while simultaneously competing against Lost Arc.

So when you ask

It’s thriving as the worlds number 1 MMORPG. It might not be for you, and that’s fine. But if you haven’t tried it the Free Trial is back up.


Let me know when it has real playable werewolves instead of anime cat girls tho.

i don’t want to try it like many others , numbers speak , it’s not for me

numbers going down even after opening free trial , it show the actual state of the game

Hrothgar are pretty close. Werepanther analog definitely.
You can make them look pretty damn werewolf-like.

Hrothgar have like 4 hairstyles that look the same.

It’s shameful how uninspired that game is to try to make creatures and beasts.

Hey neat, a table in Markdown.

Sorry, but I have no secret. It’s simple that every time I see a branching path I HAVE to try it.

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For a girl you’re not interested in, you sure seem to obsess an awful lot about all the people who are interested in her.

Quit being a creepy internet stalker.


??? sfhsdjdte

He just released a video where he says he still raids in WoW and enjoys wows raiding more.

He never said FF14 raiding was superior.

FF14 is a great game. Superior to WoW in quite a few ways but wow is also superior in quite a few ways.

But you knew all this. You’re just insufferable troll shill.


We can agree that Final Fantasy is miles ahead than WoW in terms of story telling

With the latest cinematic…I am just speechless

I can now understand the pain of GOT fans regarding season 8


Why FF14’s Endgame DEMOLISHES WoW’s!

The guy make massive clickbait title , and in the back , still play WOW , this is sad . Lot of hypocrites in the WOW community …

why he doesn’t make a video , I ENJOY MORE WOW RAIDING THAN FF14

Best guess (please don’t put my head on a pike), players were using it as a way to basically say “Look Blizzard, we are leaving! :rage:”. It was nothing more than a ploy by WoW players; advocating for changes in the hopes they would see said changes.

Even I am still hoping for the return of MoP/WoD PvP gear.

Can you explain to me how going from a peak of 95k players to 42k players is a 70% loss?

Since your an expert on numbers and

Then what does somebody lying about those numbers to try convincing people on a completely different video game forum that the game is only doing great instead of fantastic say about that person?

Also I notice that you chose to not include the previous month, which rolls out to maintaining the same playerbase they had when they were kicking WoW’s perverted hind end earlier this year, and that’s even if we ignore the caveat that Steam users are only a very small percent of the FF playerbase.

So, consider yourself debunked.


He did, he just didn’t label it as such and it’s obvious you didn’t even watch the video you posted. He talked about Endgame as a WHOLE not just the raiding. But again, you knew that. Endgame is more than just dungeons and raiding and yes, in that terms, FF14 is superior in their endgame because it’s not just raids and dungeons. All WoW has in terms of endgame is dungeons and raids.

Just because WoW’s raids are typically more fun than FF14 does not mean, in any facet, that FF14 raiding is bad. It’s great, just different.

I’m so confused by your troll threads. You obviously don’t play FF14 yet you seem to always make these childish threads trying make WoW not seem as bad as it is. Have you thought about adopting a puppy? You clearly need some kind of attention.


I just wanted to say I love your mog.

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I can’t say what I think of these “content creators” because I’d get a ban.

but bro if FF14 endgame is so good how can they lose this amount of players only 2 month in the expansion , i don’t know , people don’t stick to FF14 endgame , stop praising it

you don’t have anything to back off FF14 end game superiority , just trust me bro , FF14 endgame is good , yet they go play others games zzzz

Majority of FF14 players said, they do the story and quit

stop the copium

I dunno, how come WoW lost more than FF did? Also, they leave because the hamster wheel isn’t as long there as it is here. They encourage their players to stop playing and play other games.

I have played FF’s endgame. You clearly haven’t TruSt mE bRo Ff iS bAd.

I really suggest a puppy.


Holy hell, I just realized I’m arguing with a clown on a throw away account. I kind of feel ashamed.