This '' WOW Killer '' lost 70 % of players in 2 Months and still going

but i though this game was the WOW killer , how they can less players than before June 2021 , when no WOW content creator were playing it and bring hype to the game

i mean we are 2 months in the expansion wtf ?

Piss-poor attempt at trolling. Go to bed.


I can only assume lost ark ate their playerbase.

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Nothing has ever been a WoW killer so I don’t know why you respond to those troll posts with another troll post.

We don’t know if they have less than in June. We don’t have the full numbers. Same with WoW. You have Steam numbers. And FFXIV is a game played for a bit and then everyone takes a break. It’s how Yoshi P. designs the game. They don’t try to keep people addicted.


I also play a Vagabond who heavily favors blocking and stacking Endurance so I have a fair bit of stamina to burn.

Were you attacking through torrent ? Or were on foot ?

On foot.

Sometimes I ran at one of its wings.

I shall give it a try today…mount Combat was not suiting me

Thank you :slight_smile:

You people care way too much about other games not doing well, why not just enjoy WoW and let others enjoy the games they like?

Mount combat can be tricky.

Particularly if your mount dies before you do.

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they attacked first , talking bad about WOW and the community , this game got only popular by talking badly about others games

So what? Be a bigger man.

They did not. The posts on this forum can only be made by people subbed to WoW. And they started it is not a valid nor mature argument.


You should then take the fight to their forums or reddit sub

Why fight here

lol, this isn’t a war. Who cares who wins the MMO rivalries? We don’t make any money off of it.

no i want to have fun too :slight_smile:

This is equivalent to Playstation vs Xbox fan war


WoW is not just for raiding and mythic dungeons: it’s absolute heaven for an explorer like me, which FF14 is not.

In my case the objective of not keeping me addicted was reached 1000%. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ve gotta tell me your secret because it doesn’t fill my exploration needs. Elden ring and Pokemon arceus have been doing that for me.

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