But those words already have power to inspire people to commit violence and discrimination. Ignoring that language does nothing to stop its impact or spread except that you’ve closed your eyes and ears to it.
Racism is way way more prevalent than gets talked about.
That’s conflating two different points.
Organizing, with words, against someone based on race, is true racism.
Spamming the n-word and praising Hitler in internet chat to upset people who are easily offended is edgelord behavior.
Well it’s talked about non-stop, so I feel that’s inaccurate. Thank you for citing all those statistics.
Did I walk on a fine arts college campus?
As someone from another country now living in the US…this. There’s a lot of what I’d see as racist coming from a different country, that people just put down to “how it is” and “its their own fault”.
Yes, clearly we need a safe space thread to protect people from words on the internet.
I work with Hispanic people and they literally call me “eslavo blanco”.
I can’t even imagine what they’d call me if I they found out I’m also Japanese.
Rudy, Axel, pops, and Louis are all friends of mine and I’ve worked with them for about 3 years.
Words are just words.
And therein lies the difference in a lot of people.
I don’t think edgelord behavior should be tolerated. You don’t have to be offended to see how it could be offensive and that behavior shouldn’t be fostered.
Why should we give them a platform? Even freedom of speech doesn’t necessarily cover their actions.
Again, arguing a straw man. It isn’t fostered, they don’t have a platform. It’s clearly against the CoC.
This is about RCR, not social justice.
The argument isn’t that these “edge lords” who spam hitler praise and racism in chat exist… it’s that they are prevalent… they are not.
I actually see this as less destructive than other elements, because its so blatant, its easy to ignore or “be against”.
One example here is economic policies that almost blatantly target minorities. Another is programs that provide “easier placement in universities for minorities” instead of focusing on better education in minority strong areas so they don’t need that free pass etc. Almost always its policies that try to fix the ‘end result’ by changing the end result, instead of fixing the problem at the stem which is generally weaker or inferior access to basic services in specific areas.
Also since this is a WoW Forum, I’ll leave it there.
Right, and RCR is there to flag people who are breaking the EULA and CoC, which isn’t a bad thing.
And part of RCR is a tool to help blizzard fight those issues.
+1000 shimy points
Agreed, I have no issue with the at all.
The system however does not need to silence a player. (some call this the squelch; it’s the same thing)
Leave that component up to the GM, who’s human and can review the complaints and take the correct action.
That isn’t exclusive to RCR, people were banned for this using the old system and those words are / were automatically filtered out of chat.
And RCR is the system Blizzard has decided to utilize.
Yes and the sky is blue and water is wet.
But you don’t need to give everyone a gun for an issue that
A. Is not as prevalent as you claim.
B. Can easily be handled through the /ignore feature.
How about blizzard implements a system which auto logs chat logs from players that are /ignored by a large amount of players within a small period of time. No auto anything… 10 people ignore the player for having said X, Players chat logs get reviewed by GM, player gets punished or doesn’t.
Retain the auto mute for people who spam chat quickly as these people should be muted.