Yep and if a single person with their badge and their chip on their shoulder could get someone banned or silenced just based on a whim it would be a bad system. Thank goodness that’s not how it works.
Is that not how it works? Blizzard should type up an actual post with their small indie budget which details the ins and outs of this new system to all of the returning players, that way we wouldn’t all be arguing over what is true and what isn’t based on anecdotal evidence.
That is… unless their system is easily abused, and by providing an explaination as to exactly how it works would basically be like giving a road map to exploiters on how to abuse the system.
Go pull up any of the dozen threads on this to see what is known and not known. It takes a certain (unknown) number of rcr to trigger what gets called a squelch, which temporarily limits that person’s communication permissions. A GM reviews all of these cases and either lifts the temporary restrictions if they havent already expired, or takes action as appropriate. The most common GM punishment is a silence, which is essentially the same communication restrictions but doubles in length each time it’s imposed, starting at 24 hours. The only thing automatic is the tempory restrictions while it’s pending gm review.
There are claims that the auto-squelch causes a disconnect, which would make it abusable in BGs, hypothetically, but the evidence for this is suspect. When a gm puts actual action on an account it does cause a DC. This is the system that has existed in wow since before Legion. The GD forums aren’t blowing up with complaints about it, and neither is the customer support forum.
Blizzard has said they won’t release the specifics of the system because they don’t want people to try and ‘lawyer’ the system to find loopholes or abusable aspects of it.
Okay so basically you are agreeing that the auto DC is unverifiable because there is a lack of available information on the system… even though it’s been in the game for several years… and on top of that you agree that it is able to be abused to an unknown degree but enough to where blizzard won’t provide an actual framework for how the system actually works?
I’m saying people say the system is abusable but can’t show it happening. If there is one thing that is true about wow it’s that exploits get used if they exist. If this system has been in place for years, I would expect there to be evidence of this happening a lot. If 10 people can get the other team’s healer disconnected, I would expect to happen essentially every single battleground. It doesn’t, and in the forums of people currently playing the game no one really says it does happen.
Blizzard doesn’t share information on a lot of things. They point blank refused to provide a list of unacceptable language at one point because they knew the only point of that list would be for people to find words that aren’t on it to use and say they aren’t breaking any rules
The automatic DC is a component of the system because in order for their system to assign different “Rights” to the account they need to log you out.
This logout is “forced” by the system.
The system can be gamed by the players, as a result it’s a technically legal way to DDoS other players.
Some claim that there is no DC, these people don’t have any evidence to back up their claims…
However the players stating that you’re DC’d and then cannot speak have provided video evidence to of their claims. My guild has also experimented with this feature because of it’s potential disruptive uses in Classic WoW. Our tests showed it does indeed DC the target player.
Cool. Remind me not to piss off your guild. If the system gets abused like you say it will, then I promise I’ll be here advocating for change. But until it actually impacts the game, I’m guessing blizzard will leave it as is, meaning the system they’ve used for years.
That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think? Also, the quote is subjective and is based on your interpretation of what matters.
Do you honestly think that some unsupervised edgelord teenager spamming the n-word on the internet is actually a legitimate racist?
As long as people like you keep placing so much negativity and focus on words, they will continue to be used negatively. If no one cared about them, they wouldn’t be taboo.
Back to the point, Blizzard doesn’t condone racism and will ban you for it. The example was given to show that if I don’t like what people say, I PERSONALLY prevent them from saying any more to me. If everyone did that, they wouldn’t have a platform, would they. That’s not inaction, it’s the opposite.
If only we could broadcast that ideology to the entire worlds population maybe our species would progress
What is scary is that saying the n-word isn’t even needed to be considered racist by some of these people. Apparently the OK symbol is considered hatespeech by Blizzard. People will arbitrarily find anything to be offended by.
Yep, I heard about that, now using the in over watch is considered racism
Uh oh I think I might be a little racist now after having used the symbol, argh there it was again.
Yeah ignoring racism doesn’t do anything to stop racism. It actually takes effort to prevent its impacts and change people’s minds. And yeah, you can just ignore the racism, and doing just that will likely never impact your life in any way, so all the best to you and yours.
Literally Mein Kampf.
You’re arguing a straw man. No one is saying “ignore all racism”.
Just the n word and hitler praise right?
Ah so using words is the true racism for you? Not physical violence, harassment or legitimate discrimination in regards to work or life.
Read my reply to you above. As long as you give words power, they will be used to influence your emotions.
Not saying ignore racism… not at all. Racism is abhorrent in all forms… and unfortunately it exists in every population regardless of skin color.
But it is not as prevalent as it is talked about. Racism exists… but it is the modern day “witch-hunt”.
- a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.
- a campaign or practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations.
“he practiced McCarthyism long before there was a McCarthy”
For the record I had no idea what “Vociferous” meant.
They’re also be used to denigrate people and empower those to act upon their racist views.