Fantastic idea. Among the many others that 10 minutes of brainstorming could come up with rather than arguing racism, a thing which any rational human is against.
Blizzard already logs chat. That ultimately relies on people to ignore people and that people have a big enough ignore list to utilize that feature. What happens if a bunch of people ignore someone because they’re a bad player. That now wastes a GM’s time having to review the issue.
Yes but how often will that happen?
So your idea is a system where, with a single click, a player can ignore someone in game and flag whatever happened to a GM. And if enough people do that, it gets reviewed by a GM who takes appropriate action?
That’s literally how it works right now.
How often has RCR been abused over the last 12 years?
I guess the same thing that happens when people abuse the RCR tool to troll or exploit rather than its intended purpose.
I’d rather waste the GMs time than a paying customer and player be punished for no reason at all.
No. There is a difference, the /ignore feature is different than reporting someone for cheating.
Do you think anyone here knows the answer to that?
A question for you, is 5% of the WoW population getting disconnected for RCR abuse too little to justify the tool? If not, what percentage is too much for you?
For me, it’s anything more than 0%
Notice the wording… /ignore … /report
There is a difference between reporting someone and ignoring them.
I wonder how many people in retail /report people without /ignoring them.
For me, I’d say Blizzard should work on fixing the system so that it doesn’t auto-disconnect you. Ultimately though, It’s blizzard’s game and if this is the tool they want to use, that’s fine with me. It’s been in the game for 12 years and they don’t seem to see it as being abused enough to warrant it being taken out.
No system is perfect. If we’re worrying about the flaws of a system, we’re not going to have a system ever.
Fair enough, I would have much less of a problem with RCR if it didn’t have automatic punishment.
However, I don’t look at their decisions over the past 12 years as the bar of excellence. Their management of the game has cause a consistently declining player base since early-mid WotLK.
So your ideal system is that you /ignore someone and that logs the chat for GM review. The current right-click-report system logs the chat for GM review and adds them to your ignore. Thanks for clearing up the distinction. My mistake
No one is saying perfect. We’re saying we’d rather see some gold spam and a bad word every once in a while rather than have one unjust punishment against a rule abiding, paying customer.
And automatically disconnects the player, which is key.
Notice… the assumption of guilt when someone is reported… id rather be ignored by someone in real life than reported by them.
So “Right Click Ignore” with enough reports generating a GM investigation?
My only concern is that Blizzard said they don’t have enough GMs.
And I’d rather not have to wade through gold spam and people being racist in chat to try and play the game. Yea I can ignore them but not everyone is going to do that. It also relies on people having a big enough ignore list for that to function.
Even if I ignore every one of those people, there are going to be players who are going to have a screen full of chat that they pass over someone’s LFG post, or trade post, or etc.
In real life would you rather have a bunch of people ignore you (People you likely would have never met anyway given there are billions) or report you?
Imagine a bunch of people got together and accused you of something you didn’t do… man I’d much rather them just ignore me!