The link has already been posted multiple times in these threads on the issue. RCR was added in TBC.
Mate, don’t troll me. The topic was automated punishment. You replied to a post on automated punishment. The discussion was on automated punishment. We can scroll up and see the posts, so don’t play this game.
I definitely remember the right click AFK system being added for BGs in TBC because BG AFKing was totally rampant.
I don’t remember when the gold spam report system was added, I seem to remember it being in WotLK, but if there’s data to refute that, then I obviously remember wrong.
The squelch was added in TBC. The link is in several of these threads, it’s just a matter of digging through the massive amount of threads people insist on creating.
Remember in vanilla when you just ignored people you didn’t like/didn’t want to hear?
Not gonna lie the original system sounds way less complicated than this
Woah, you mean players were individually in control of their chat experience? How did we even manage back then. Vanilla must have been a pretty unpopular game.
Truly, there’s even a profanity filter in the interface options so all profanity is literally filtered out of your chat.
If you can manage to /ignore people IRL, a video game should be a breeze.
It’s almost like we already had all the tools necessary to ensure a good experience in chat for everyone.
I wish they’d come out and admit they implemented this system because they physically do not have the CS staff to handle tickets period instead of lying and saying “we don’t want to get flooded with loot tickets” even though they are already implementing loot trading…
from May 28 2007
Finally, once a number of reports for an individual account have been sent to us, that account will be temporarily prevented from broadcasting any further text to anyone. The duration of this “squelch” is long enough for the game master team to investigate and take more severe action against the account if necessary
skim through the ticket and give a piss poor explanation/resolution to the situation because more than likely the person answering the ticket doesn’t play the game, or barely plays the game.
The old ticket system you could say the same thing.
However, The RCR comes with a timestamp and the GMs can look at anything that person said because they archive chat.
Completely false, in vanilla I had on several occasions a GM appear at my location and physically talk to me in the game, haven’t had that kind of customer service since.
One occasion was when I double clicked the mount vendor and accidentally bought two level 40 black stallions and the GM literally opened trade with me and gave me the amount of gold and I traded him the mount.
Did you submit many tickets in Vanilla and beginning of TBC? I remember having fun banter with GMs and feeling great about the experience.
I didn’t play in vanilla. I did play in early TBC. Most of the tickets I did in TBC never got resolved while I was online. The ones i did, there was banter but I also got the same banter throughout all of the time I’ve had to submit tickets. The last time I played in BFA I had an issue and The GM even roleplayed out his response.
you feel the light of elune wash over you
GM ***** appears
Until you reach the ignore max cap. Blizzard better let us use ignore addons on the classic servers.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
It IS just a game. But it is also a social space. And ignoring racism in a social space is too close to tolerating and condoning racism for me. I’m fine with tools that limit the power of bigots to spread their hate.
Because the amount of people spamming racist things in chat totally warrants giving everyone a badge and a chip on their shoulder lmao, I bet blizzard gets more reports with RcR than they did with tickets.