Good thing that’s not how it works then huh? Get a clue
So I have a question, how did you, I mean “your friend” who is totally real and not made up, get access to 50 active accounts? I assume no one person is paying for that many themselves, and the time required for grinding the gold for 50 tokens a month seems like it would be prohibitive.
And to be fair. If I saw spam like in the OP’s post I would immediately assume it was spam from an external website selling service for real money and I would report it.
If you don’t want to be reported for illegal spam, at least make an effort to make sure your legal spam does not look like illegal spam.
This totally not made up story about a guy with 50 accounts going around in Stormwind knocking everyone offline for 5 hours has changed my mind completely.
I’m seeing things in a whole new light now for sure.
Wait, some things are not clear… If he had 50 accounts in Stormwind, wouldn’t they be in 10 different shards?
I’m starting to doubt this man and his story!
Still waiting for his HARD EVIDENCE of abuse.
That’s what put Prepared out of business if I recall correctly.
And just like that, the troll vanishes like a fart in the wind. I’m sure he’ll be back in a few days with one of his 50 other accounts to rabble rouse about something else that makes no sense.
Considering a multi-boxer got a temp ban (after being warned twice before not to engage in certain behavior), I don’t think Blizzard would let this scenario go unpunished. They’re not afraid to whap multiboxers on the nose anymore.
Does this even happen on retail?
Why would it happen in Classic then?
This does happen in very rare instances. I think removing right click to report will not happen, blizzard isn’t going to hire a large team of GM’s to deal with immature people that cannot parse language internally.
The solution?
Increase the threshold of reports required significantly. Trust me if someone is a problem they will reach the threshold quickly.
50 * $15 = $750 (per month)
I am not sure Blizzard would ban this person…
Blizzard tends to look at the big picture and the supposed 50 accounts that were mentioned above as being consecutive, not concurrent, are a better loss than the potential of hundreds of accounts of various other folks who are victimized by this PoS and end up leaving forever. You also have to look at the fact that the people this individual affects will tell EVERYONE they know on in game and via every comm app they have before they leave. Seriously, this type of ultra toxic troll was able to slip through the wire before, but blizzard just doesn’t have the sub numbers left to allow people to prey on other players for some kind of sick enjoyment.
I would MUCH rather Blizzard remove the RCR system for Classic and say “we’re not going to be responding to chat complaint tickets, use mute”.
The tender, passive-aggressive tattlers the system is for that are a bane to society as well as the game might not play (huge bonus here).
GM tickets are still low (because we don’t need a ticket for this sort of thing), and gives them more bandwidth to go after BG AFKers, exploiters, bots, etc (e.g. actual problems).
The mute system is amazingly effective. If you don’t like what someone is saying, mute them. The only thing not having RCR removes is the channel for vindictive children to tell daddy Blizz about it and a method of exploitation. Why in the world does this even exist again?
I keep the language filter on because I don’t want to see that stuff. I’m a Navy vet, I’ve seen and heard enough of it for a lifetime. However, it doesn’t personally bother me if someone is literally spamming racial slurs and praising Adolf Hitler in chat because… you guessed it, I can mute them.
Thunderfury spam is annoying! Guess what, mute them.
They made an alt, though! Right-click mute is easy though!
I just don’t understand this system and feel it does WAY more harm than good. It’s a system for an entitled western generation of softies and has no place in Classic (or anywhere for that matter).
To quickly and efficiently remove Gold Seller spam from the game.
Ah, accurate, I remember that being annoying and this solution being implemented for that. Susan was never express again.
Still, there’s better solutions available today for this.
NLP and ML systems exist that could probably block gold spam automatically with enough data.
If it’s literally only about gold spammers (which is a good thing to fight against), then give players the ability to get verified or trusted once they hit a higher level so right click report automated punishment is ineffective against them. Their account may get hacked, but it will still be much less frequent and tolerable in my opinion.
Bottom line is automated punishment should not exist in the game because it’s absolutely going to be abused.
It’s been in the game since TBC. If it was being abused as much as people say it will be, Blizzard would have done something by now wouldn’t you think?
I’ve been asking this for a while, but does anyone have proof of someone being punished for abusing RCR?
Moreso, I’m not going to trust Blizzard’s 4 1/2 GM’s to moderate a population of millions; heck, they can’t even moderate these forums. The best approach IMO is what Shibah is advocating, just leave it in the player’s hands. If someone annoys you, /mute them. If someone ninja’d, notify the community so they are blacklisted. If someone ganked you or took a mining node before you had the chance, suck it up, because those are intended game mechanics.
That is a lie. The current punishment system was implemented in 2012, and progressively became more automated. Moreso, it wasn’t done for the players.
“Initial expectations by investors and analysts was set by historic standards. Notably the 2012 restructuring of customer support positions at Blizzard, caused by automated loot trading and right click reporting functionality being introduced that eventually eliminated much of the customer service aggregated workload. This was the expectation for the recent restructuring, with a distribution twist as the move towards digital distribution continued. For comparison, 2012 saw 600 layoffs throughout Blizzard at the time.”
Source: seekingalpha com/article/4244058-activision-blizzard-losing-voice
I don’t agree with your argument at all. I would rather have 5% gold spam, then 1% false punishment.
No, I don’t think. To answer your question with another question, has Blizzard made more good decisions or bad decisions regarding the game since TBC?