You are still getting your underwear in a bind over hypotheticals. “OMG the sky is falling” is not really feedback.
Maybe it’s because you post here so often you’ve lost some of your sanity, but no one in this thread is running around in a panic saying the sky is falling, creepy underwear guy.
Ah, here comes the insults. Typical…
You just proved your concerns are moot. Don’t bother arguing if you are just gonna bring insults.
(I like the Zorg gif better )
You and many others are coming up with nonsensical extreme situations that have never been a major issue in live for the past decade and yet you want to say chicken little has nothing on you?
Getting ready to take on that world dragon? Better start mass reporting all the competing guild’s members to guarantee you’re the only guild around to take the monster down.
I wasn’t aware the squelch system has been in the game for a decade, must be my mistake /s. Not everyone wants to be running recruitment addons that auto invite & spam whisper every guildless player because they may be unable to talk in general as a result of trying to recruit for a 40man guild. And most people don’t read forums either, especially for recruitment.
I’m 100% sure Thundertotem is a troll and he is the type of person I go out of my way to avoid.
He’s the type of person to read statistics and argue with the numbers. It’s obvious to anyone with more than a half of their brain this system will be abused and there is already HARD EVIDENCE of it being abused of retail.
If Blizzard has automated punishments in Classic I hope everyone who advocated for them feels their abuse first hand, nothing else to say.
RCR with the auto-squelch was added in TBC.
RCR doesn’t ban you from the game. All it does, assuming the squelch goes through, is stop that person from being able to post in an unmoderated channel. You can still talk in raid/party groups.
haha, another one that resorts to insults and ad hominem attacks.
And yet here you are trash talking me.
Still waiting for that HARD EVIDENCE…
Don’t you people know from satire?
This hard evidence everyone keeps talking about. So far every bit of it has been proven to either be justified or faked.
People are taking that stuff to heart. It’s best to post why exactly it’s not going to work, satire or not.
Well thats impossible to avoid. Dont login to your account on third party sites…
Pretty much this, WoW Security 101.
Well they weren’t the brightest bulb in the box. They clicked on a fake link in an email and thought it was the real site.
Ah, they got phished…sucks when it happens.
Im sorry for your guildie as well, it is the worst thing to have it stolen, happened to my sister before authentication. At least we can be glad that it will only be that few people getting stolen. It also means it will be harder to get gold for selling. Which means that the price might be too high to make it profitable. Also, the exchange rate and average income in countries like china has changed a lot. The $15 per month plus box price might make it impossible for them to make a profit gold selling without stealing accounts. I see there being a lot fewer spams in chat because of it.
no evidence just theory:D
Well having the wow token has been one of the major contributors. Hard to make a profit selling gold when WoW offers their own version.
True, but in my opinion, don’t think we are gonna see wow tokens for sale in Classic.
I don’t either but the security updates with the modern client and RCR do help.
Yup, in agreement there.