They’re not banned. The only way you can be banned is if a GM intervenes and the times I’ve seen people banned shortly after a report was when a GM intervened almost immediately and banned the player.
… The fact that someone can provide you with evidence and you can dismiss it is…
Well I’m not going to be replying to you anymore. There is evidence of people being suspended from right click report, yet you have yet to prove anything. You have a nice day.
Which you never showed. If that was such an issue…the CS forums would be blowing up. You guys whine there every time when the server drops you or if you get kicked from a group. Where are the complaints? The fact you won’t ask on the CS forums is because you’ll be proven wrong and you won’t be able to push your narrative.
No, you can’t The system doesnt work like that anymore. It did in the beginning though which was stupid. But now theres only a mute, no suspensions and no knocking offline either. The only way you get pushed offline is if a GM decides to force you into a name change. Heres the facts:
i.imgur .com/QeBLgPO.jpg
Every week or so, someone comes to classic forums, lies about how the RCR systems “still kicks people offline and bans them” and starts this whole rodeo all over again.
Is there proof of this? I was told they can mute you now without kicking you offline. A GM told me you only get booted now if they force you to name change. She said you would get booted and have a name with Numbers on the end and wouldnt be able to log back in until you changed your name.
Im looking for something a little more concrete than that (if its possible) after all, there’s still people claiming they got RCR and insta 2 week banned with no review and we know it doesnt work like that. Has a blue ever commented on those threads? I dont visit the other boards much.
There are automated bans in WoW that are probably better to have than not to have. Warden is always watching. If you run a known program used for hacking/botting and use it on WoW, you’ll just get banned without human intervention. I had this happen to me once a long time ago in TBC.
Maybe things are different now, but I doubt it.
That all said, I don’t believe you can get banned from right-click reports. I’ve seen a couple people claim they were only for a blue to chime in and mention some other thing they got banned for.
Also, the disconnection tied to it isn’t intentional. From what I can tell(Granted, mostly just a clueless person here and this could be completely wrong), it’s probably because in order for the silence to be applied, the account has to “reset” to apply the silence. I don’t think they can just apply silences without DC’ing the player. Otherwise, I am pretty certain that’s how the system would work.
There is no AUTO ban, but if you are reported on something and Blizzard think’s it’s egregious enough, they will suspend the account. I have seen it happen MANY times with people who cannot choose an appropriate character name.
I will also say I am a very nice guy that gets annoyed at the crazy chat things like “X Evicerate” pushing my LFM out of the chat. However I somehow got by and found groups just fine.
As for gold spammers, they are also part of wows history and were a part of seeing the game healthy and alive. I am more worried their presence will cause more account theft. However now that we have authentication and such. It should be no worry
Authentication is no guarantee. I had a guildie that had his account stolen even with the authenticator because he logged into a fake site that snagged his authentication code.
How are people suppose to recruit for their guild in-game if they get reported and 24hr silence by rival guilds anytime they post a recruitment message.
Great idea, lets wait till release to give feedback on things that may affect user interaction in-game. In fact lets just close this entire forum as feedback is not necessary and we should all just trust the developers as Blizzard has never gotten anything wrong, as shown by their massive and increasing player base in current retail.