I don’t understand that correlation but okay.
Again, it’s not that nothing will be done about it, even if I report him there’s no evidence I have or Blizzard has that will allow them to punish him.
I can’t do anything and Blizzard can’t do anything, sorry.
I have the sneaking suspicion it wasn’t your “friend” but someone a bit closer to you.
Just to clarify, you are saying that this can be done, you find it amusing, and you wanted to pass it along so others would take up the nasty habit? Got it.
Try it anyway. Just for fun. See what happens.
You’d be surprised on what information Blizzard collects. Hiding behind a VPN doesn’t always cover your tracks.
The mute only affects unmoderated channels. You can still talk in guild, raid, party, and supposedly you can respond to whispers when squelched but you definitely can’t if you’ve received a gm silence.
He has had many accounts banned and suspended. The problem is that they are throw away accounts. His main account will never be banned as he doesn’t use his main account to exploit.
Just to be clear you will be punished for abusing the report system.
Sounds like an excuse to not do anything to me.
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Don’t tell them that! It challenges their narratives.
Change? Nah. Challenge? Yes.
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Yup, inaction is the same as condoning. Was about to Godwin the discussion about people inactions.
I’m not sure what you want me to do. I literally can’t do anything about it I don’t think you understand how this works.
I can’t just call Blizzard and be like “hey guys ban this guy he is abusing your report system.”
Blizzard Is doing their best by banning his accounts that are abusing the report system but his main account is clean so it won’t be banned. Nothing I can do about it.
I highly doubt you misunderstand what I’m telling you to do.
Report his main account. Tell them EXACTLY what he’s been doing to evade punishment. Tell them your relationship to the person in question. Tell them the names of his other accounts if you know them, just to be sure.
If action’s not taken based on any of that information, only then will we know for sure that he’s untouchable.
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It doesn’t challenge any narrative. I’m not arguing that’s how squelching works. I’m fact he is 100% correct. That doesn’t change the fact you can be knocked offline with a certain amount of reports.
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Yup, and it was explained as a limitation of the wow client which Blizzard would like to fix eventually. Right now, you cannot be disconnected from the chat server with out being dropped from the client. It’s a bug. The best you can do it to relog back in if you are dropped.
Actually, if he owns all the accounts then it can be actioned. Blizzard just needs to know that they are combined. For example, if your personal friend here has told you in a form that can be screen shotted and you do nothing then you are complicit.
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I’m not sure I believe that. Back in the day GMs could silence players without disconnecting them. Is there a link to Blizzard saying that, I’m interested and would like to read it.
You are wrong, it’s always been that way. Even if that was true, just confirmed it’s a bug.
Instead of kvetching here, how about asking on the CS forums?
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Sorry I think you’re mistaken. GMs could always silence players without disconnecting them.
Also just because you get disconnected from the client doesn’t mean you should receive a suspension.
There’s a difference between being dissconted, logging back in and be squelched and receiving a 24 suspension.
Again…Instead of kvetching here, how about asking on the CS forums?