Which is unconfirmed and if it does happen only happens after there are enough reports on the same person for the same thing to reach an unknown threshold that blizzard determines warrants temporary restrictions on that individual while the situation is reviewed.
Unconfirmed by you, I’ve seen a few YouTube videos of people doing it.
There’s posts in this thread detailing Blizzards comment on it.
In real life if someone is standing in the front of a movie theater screaming obsenities just for fun would you rather everyone ignore them or have them escorted out?
And yep, I know the immediate response to this analogy is “PERFECT! Have people report and staff act!” Analogies aren’t perfect, think of the movie theater staff that tells him to leave as the auto action and the theater manager as the GM who tells the staff they did the right or wrong thing later.
Which system is easier to abuse?
20 players take the time to write out a detailed ticket explaining why they are reporting an innocent player in order to cause distruption
20 players right click the innocent players name and report for cheating in order to cause distruption
Post links please. I’ve seen the videos that get brought up and they’re either in Chinese which is a limitation for me since I don’t speak chinese, staged, or blatantly misconstruing what happens. I promise I can be open minded to change when presented with actual evidence.
Who said it’s 20?
You act like I’m chomping at the bit to convince you. I don’t really care to go do your work for you on my phone to spoon feed you information.
I believe in not punishing even 1 player wrongly, even at the cost of seeing bad words or gold spam. You do not and I can’t even comprehend that viewpoint.
That’s what’s sad… in the RcR system you can’t even trust 20 people reporting someone for something… because It’s so easy to report people.
He asked which system is easier to abuse, then described two systems.
The Savix video where he gets booted wasn’t auto action. He was cheating and got a ban implemented by a gm for win trading
Asmongold got hundreds if not thousands of people to report him all at once. That won’t happen in classic so I have no idea how to apply that to classic.
There’s a super grainy video where a priest on the other team DCs about 20 seconds into a BG, but it’s unclear who, if anyone, reported him or why he DCs.
There’s a video of three guys talking about trying to get banned and then one drops an f bomb in their guild chat and immediately disconnects. This is the one that is hardest to clarify because I have no idea why he DCs. It doesn’t even seem like the people in the video report him. He hits enter on his chat line and disconnects about two seconds later.
Those are the most common four pieces of evidence I see of “abuse”. I’m not convinced. You’re right you don’t need to care if I’m convinced or not. But like I said, there are dozens of threads and thousands of posts on this, and I am not completely ignorant about the subject
Wait, I thought we weren’t talking about liberals and SJWs?
I’m still waiting for the CS forums to blow up over this “abuse”. Hell, people go there to scream when the servers crash, if there a little bit of lag, or someone get booted from a dungeon/scenario.
I don’t think the retail forums are the right place to look for evidence considering it’s less than 1% of the games population AND the most popular threads are about a mount that water walks and High Elves being implemented.
And automatic bans for naughty words and edgelordy topics.
and people here are making it out as a major issue…
Oh I don’t think it’s a major issue, I’m down with RcR… I just think it’s a bad system.
well no they are not really, they refer to 2 different penalties.
According to Blizzard it’s the same thing.
All the functions that apply to silence also apply to squelch…
So what is the difference?
Squelch is a temporary silence imposed by the player reports triggering the automated system to react.
The GM is then notified of the action and will review when they have time…
Following the review a “Silence” or Removal of Squelch takes place based on the internal rules that GM’s follow.
nah sounds like conservatives to me
no they are not, the squelch is the punishment that happens automatically with too many reports, the slience penalty is what a GM can apply after reviewing the squelch.
the difference is that they are 2 different penalties, that yes both remove the ability to chat.