This... wasn't very fun

This looks like a sneaky “i want changes but I can’t ask for changes unless I suggest that something is wrong with the game first … to justify my wanting changes” post.

If you are bored with the combat then maybe this version of the game is not for you. Not sure what you mean by “shallow pvp”. Nothing shallow about the pvp in classic unless you are trying to auto attack people.

All RPGs should have real time combat by now. Like Dark Souls and Dark Messiah.

You mean, as in, changes to a 2004 RPG?

This is why many of us didn’t raid and prefer PVP. Enter a BG and try to spam FrostBolt and you are going to spend all your time at the GY.

But, if you actually learn the Mage class, in PVP at least you will:

Frost bolt, cone of cold, arcane explosion, fire ball, fire blast, pyroblast, frost nova, blizzard, scorch, polymorph, blink, ice barrier, mana shield, dampen magic, amplify magic, ice block, frost ward, fire ward, arcane brilliance, slow fall, flame strike, cold snap, wanding, decurse . . . . and some of these with more than one rank . . . . There is a lot to learn if you really want to play the class at it’s best.

Damage meters and rotation mean nothing in vanilla pvp. That’s what makes the game brilliant.

Every class is rich in nuance and every class can be played simply when you are a noob and with panache and real skill if you take the time to learn.

*** and even more in the Mage toolkit I forgot above . . . counterspell for one is important in pvp - not so much when just fighting dragons. And of course you still have trinkets and consumables to fold into the combat as well.


There are plenty of korean grinders and ESO if you want real time combat.

The idea of sitting down for a couple of hours and real-time co.bat playing against ai mobs is not my idea of a relaxing game. I know a lot of people love it, but just not what I am interested in.

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“Does combat get hard or engaging”

As compared to the alternative of what? Bfa? Pull 20 mobs, down them all in 2 splash hits?

1-5 Has for whatever reason made the mobs hit softer than usual, the game gets substantially harder 20+.

Well yeah that’s 1-15, boring for most classes, I had most fun as mage post level 20, with blizzard and all that which allows true aoe grind.

Nope. The game pretty much stays that easy the whole way through.

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Have you been in any of those raids? Have you PVP’d in Vanilla? If you haven’t how could you have possibility collected enough evidence to form such an opinion?

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Fun is subjective…

What the first 15 levels… Is combat in any MMO that great 15 levels in? Not to mention, this isn’t BFA…its not supposed to be fast paced.

I had a blast. Met a lot of nice people. Fun is what you make it. I find Classic to be much more immersive than retail.


BFA feels like playing a modern mobile game with more complex controls. I don’t think many of us think that the “Oh let me go kill that so I can get my new shoes for my dress up outfit” are going to ever feel at home in Classic.

It definitely won’t Kill BFA/Retail. These are NOT the same type of gamers at all. Retail and its flashy big numbers and sparkle effects and button mashingly spectacular short cooldowns and whatnot are just… ugh… But it has its audience. Those types will never be able to sit still long enough to level to 40 just to get a 60% mount.

I find even the idea of them doing that laughable. Never going to happen.

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Speak for yourself.


You found the racist/sexist/homophobic comments being thrown around in starter-zone chat to be more immersive?


Compared to 2 shotting everything in retail?

I enjoy posts like these.

Imagine this guy, fishing through the tens of thousands of posts on this forum, just thousands and thousands of people crying to get into the beta so they can play…

And hes looking… searching, for someone negative. And he finds this ONE thread in a sea of hundreds with ONE PERSON saying they aren’t enjoying Classic…

And now hes ready, and here he comes with the:


Reminds me of anti-vaccine people:


All I know is that there are certain RPG elements and MMORPG elements that were present in vanilla that people really enjoyed. These were either removed or simplified over the years.

People really appreciated those elements and want to play WoW again with those elements. Classic will hopefully fulfill this, and I am looking forward towards its fulfillment.

And remember Classic might not be for everyone, and they might not understand why people would want this.

If boredom isn’t fun, why do you play retail?

Check the mirror bro…wouldn’t exactly say you’re the room’s favorite …