This... wasn't very fun

I definitely see pruning a thing of the future having played ESO. Classes and skills can be unique when there are 5 plus ultimate, but then you notice that it really boils down to AoE vs single target, with all the emphasis on scaled content, it solves the issue of old world irrelevance but also it creates an environment where your efforts clearing content, clearing raids and such are modestly represented.

I’d rather be a peon and that lowly farmer on the quest to save his town and become a legendary hero. Even Zelda games capture this. But these modern MMOs practically have you dance around end game world bosses and whacking goblins with max level toons and you can be lvl 1.

I want harder content, but I’d prefer not to be sharing it with max end game toons. This is what I like about WoW. The console market is hyper casual because you cannot get the finesse of a PC game in them, but developers want that money and too often port games backwards to PC since it’s easier.

I know, caveat emptor and all, but friends drag me into these console markets that I want to avoid.

You forgot to include “checkmate, atheists” at the end of your post, m’edgelord.


Did you ever play Classic or did you join later on in the series?

I didn’t hear any of that.

I grabbed a bunch of screenshots to upload to a discord, but I’m not linking them here. No one should have to see or re-see some of the stuff edgelords post to get people’s attention.

I didn’t see anything. If you did, report them. Otherwise, seeing a ton of them? That’s interesting since I’ve been in three stress tests and didn’t see any.

Classic combat is fairly slow compared to combat during other incarnations of the game. BfA wasn’t anywhere close to the height of combat in WoW’s history. They started to slow combat down when the current generation of devs took over, even adding certain key cooldowns back to the GCD in BfA.

MoP combat was pretty fast paced by WoW standards, at least for some specs. MoP MW monk PvP combat was probably as fast paced as healing gameplay ever was in this game.

BfA is still faster paced than classic, but the game involves a lot more mobility than classic has (though not nearly as much as we had in the center of WoW’s lifespan when specs had more instant casts and ways to cast while moving).

On the healing side of things, I preferred expansions where we had more instant casts and mobility. Prayer of mending and other previously instant cast spells being given a cast time in WoD was a huge decline in caster design IMO. Legion had some decent class design sprinkled in if you happened to get the right legendaries, but BfA took another huge nosedive in class design.

Vanilla combat was meh, it really started to all improve in TBC+ for me with various things being good or bad in various expansions. BfA is back towards the lower end unfortunately.


Scaling was another bad idea to not solve a problem that their original bad idea caused.

However, that there WAS scaling and you still soloed it speaks volumes.

thats easy… 5 minutes ona gear simulator and its come back as “for DK’s they’re all trash”

They left out to mash your decursive hotkey that auto targetted and dispelled your raid according to a priority list you set ahead of time with 1 button!

What class are you? Try other classes. Some get better after 10.

Then again this game won’t be for everyone.

An elite NPC should never be soloable and neither should an elite mob. You’re mearly proving my point with that statement.

And I’m not sure why you’re so bent out of shape over a poster who enjoys retail for the most part but thinks it could be better with a more engaging leveling experience. If you can’t handle constructive criticism of retail then you need to steer clear of the classic forum because the majority here can’t stand it.

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It’s not like it was easily soloable, I died multiple times, had to use pots and every ability at my disposal and even then it was only just doable. This is something that also happened in classic if you tried to solo elites. That hasn’t changed.

It’s the blatant BS that’s annoying me. I agree that the leveling process could be better in retail, but to pretend there are no challenges whatsoever is a blatant lie.

For criticism to be constructive it first has to be accurate. Flat out lying by saying that it’s impossible to be challenged while levelling means that you avoided anything resembling a challenge and then complained that it was too easy.


Honestly 1-15 are the most boring levels, once you hit 20 you start to see your talent choices affecting your gameplay and a lot of fun class abilities come in the 20-30 range - give it another shot on release

I couldn’t bare lvling paladin until wraith

Eh, I find 20-30 to be the most boring. Once you hit 30, you’re good

This is what I’m anticipating come release - endless posts from BfA babies, one side screaming for nerfs and retail features and throwing virtual tantrums when they are denied because it’s Classic (and the concept of “no” isn’t imagined in their worldview) and the other side pissing all over the forums with their posturing about how the game is too easy and how l337 they are in comparison. The rest of us will be just playing contentedly.

Good times ahead.

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“anyone who disagrees with me is a BfA baby”


I cannot like this comment enough. . .

Not to mention the design of the overall expansion is entirely lacking for so much of the player base. Sure it is good for some players, but many of us lost a lot of what kept us going through this expansion.

Many of the new ideas they came up with like Warfronts had a lot of potential but we saw where that all went.

I don’t see how you could be having fun when based off your profile you seem to only run mythic plus. How is running those dungeons over and over again any fun?

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