This... wasn't very fun

M+, PvP and Heroic/Mythic Raiding. Not everything is about questing brah :crazy_face:

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I assumed you were questing during your beta time though.

Edit: haha didn’t realize you were the op

i take it u havent even reached lvlv 10 yet. the game starts off very slow. rogue start with only 1 dagger, hunters/warlocks start with no pet. classic you start as nothing you are not the hero. you a a noob adventurer.

tbh it seems like you went into classic not wantingto enjoy it (your mind was made up before you even started downloading

Not everything has to be a twitchy button slap game to be fun. WoW Classic was not about that.

It is about travel, character (not stat) building, fishing, hanging out with friends, etc. Now, BfA can be about all of this as well, but the lack of RPG elements makes it not very conducive to it.

If Classic isn’t for you, no shame. But button Slappy hyper graphic colorama stuff isn’t for me.

Thankfully we both now have a game catering to our desires!


Agreed. I think it’s great that we now have two different versions of WOW for players to enjoy. Ill be enjoying both.

In response to the dumb panda, I shouldn’t have to get to endgame in order to experience any challenge or any sense of danger. This was my first toon on my new account since coming back and I leveled from 1-120 with no heirlooms and didn’t really face any difficulty until about 114 when we wiped in a dungeon thanks to an idiot tank. (Goblin island). No player should have to wait until he’s cleared 110 levels before facing anything challenging in an MMORPG. That’s just bad game design. There’s things about retail I like, but let’s not pretend that it doesn’t have it’s flaws. There wouldn’t be all this clamoring for Classic if retail was so perfect.


How come you have to be condescending when saying this sort of thing? I’m really curious as to why you have to use language like “slappy hyper graphic colorama”, it comes off as an attempt to mock the other side.

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You are an experienced wow player. Of course you have a higher threshold for a challenge tham someone who is brand new.

And levelling this toon I still had challenges. The elite mob quests in hillsbrad were damn hard to solo for instance. You seem like the sort of player to actively avoid doing anything challenging and then complain that the game is too easy.

Because it sounds a hell of a lot more sophisticated and a lot less pathetic than saying “I can’t keep up with fast game play.”

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The BE starting zone was just as miserable as the addition of blood elves to horde

LOL! The PvP is shallow he says!



Good for you princess.


“Hard to solo”? They shouldn’t be able to be soloed unless you overlevel or over gear them by a fair amount. It’s also quaint that you mention the elites in Hillsboro, when most of the elite quests from vanilla were removed precisely to make it easier.


Well scaling kinda makes it impossible to over level them, i my gewr was pretty bad for my level since i was leveling so fast.

In all fairness i can see how it could seem boring if yoir not familiar with classic.

Its not just about leveling. Are you working professions, secondaries like first aid and fishing, are you farming gear, working the AH prepping for a mount, gathering flight paths, working your gear along the way, bags etc.

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Game isn’t for you then, stick to retail.
If that isn’t fun either than there is always ESO or FF.

The small chance I got to play last night felt great.

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I always hate seeing people say this. So uneducated on how mages play in BWL/MC.


Because that is how it feels to me. And that is not the type of game I like.

I don’t like speed chess, I like untimed chess. And it isn’t because I cannot keep up. I raided through Thundering hardmode and that was when I realized where the game was heading and it was no longer for me.

Sorry if my choice of words caused you to think I was being snarky, buy I wasn’t. Just how I see it and couldn’t think of a better way to put it.

Have fun in BfA, and that is a serious wish.


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Chain pull multiple mobs if life’s too easy.

I dont know what you’re on about, leveling is fun in classic LOL

You’re going to do a lot of auto attacking no matter what class you play. I recommend giving it another try when it goes live because I remember thinking the same thing the first time I played on a pserver but I decided to give it another try a few months later when nost came out and ended up loving it.

Define “this”