This... wasn't very fun

It’s a starting zone. It isn’t going to be hard if you played WOW before. Far as the combat goes, I find it far superior to retail. Being able to mow down mobs without a care in the world in Dungeons has always bothered me with the current game . Plus the combat is so fast you can’t really enjoy what going on.

Seeing the role playing aspects in Classic that were removed has been nice.I love that my Hunter uses a bow for range, but when the target gets too close I need to switch to my axe because the bow is worthless that close. I also noticed that I was improving both weapons efficiency and defensive stats with each fight. I really miss that in the current game.

Basically, if you’re a fan of old school MMOs,Classic is going to be a god send. If you prefer games that are instant gratification, fast paced, less thinking, holds your hand all the time, and doesn’t allow you to fail, Classic is going to bore you.


“Not finding boredom fun”, what a nice way to force your opinion down someones throat. You find it boring so nobody else could possibly find Classic fun. Ok.


Retailers have the same attitude. They have for years because they didn’t want classic(legacy servers) to happen as they felt it took away from their current content development. It’s not just classic players so lets not make this one sided.


I think you’re sensationalizing it. You don’t have to work together. The only things that seperate vanilla from bfa is talent trees and class quests.


I for one am shocked that after Vanilla being hyped up as the best MMO ever for 15 years might lead to some people being disappointed and questioning the gameplay.

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As someone on the beta yeah you do for certain scenarios. I mean sure you can solo level entirely without doing many major quests. But that’s the BFA mindset. “Going the safe and easy route”.

Most of us like challenges and exploring that which is dangerous. The most used route to SM in Beta seems to be WPL because it is faster and dangerous.

Not understanding how the Classic system focuses on numerous incremental gains compared to the Current system might lead one to believe otherwise.

Classic is much more a D&D tabletopy RPG than BfA is. Combat is slow, can require preparation, you have to manage bag space, flavor items like arrows, soulstones, totems, etc. You’ll be running around forever unless you’re a shaman or a druid. You’ll get really long class quests that will take chunks of playtime to complete to get basic abilities. You’ll need to grind mobs frequently for the money to buy just some of your abilities.

Yes, it’s also old. So you have to also try and appreciate it for the retroness of it. It isn’t going to be as flashy or in your face as BfA or newer games. TBH, the game requires your imagination to do 20-40% of the work. That’s what makes it an old school MMORPG. You need to really sink into your character and be a part of the world. The world is designed to be lived in and explored, not shot through as pieces of content.


PvE will always be easier than PvP. The challenge is in the logistics, not in actually chaining your Frost/Shadow/Sinister/Bloodthirsts.

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Can only fight one mob at a time. If you pull 2 you basically have to run away and since you’re body pulling this happens often.

Never tried the other classes much. Rogue was definitely worse at very low level but I never played it very far.

cause some peoples are dumb that way.

Exactly. It is so much more about managing everything.

I was kiting Stitches who is temporarily yellow at level 26 for fun solo and had to manage my ability usage to not overdraw mana and allow mana regain as it took almost an hour to kill him solo. Meanwhile I had to make sure to manage my distance while kiting, which in many cases required using mana, at the same time making sure I kept hits up on him.

If I lowered distance more by stopping more it allowed me to do more damage and put in more non-mana expensive shots but if I overdid it then I’d be forced to concussive which spent mana. If my mana got too low then I had to focus on extending my distance without concussive while at the same time stopping to auto shot.

It was a massive balancing act.

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Actually the PvP is very intricate, but the skill floor to PvP is very basic on the surface.

Once you think you understand the meta you have achieved your first level into the PvP world, you’re then in for many lessons because most of what you think you know is likely wrong.

The raids are not hard on the individual player, but they are instead a much more interesting team encounter.

If you stick with it you will be surprised with just how fun Classic actually is.


Yes and no.

Paladins are fairly strong in defensive but offensively at least until lvl 20 ret talent they are lackluster. Paladins don’t come with ranged pulls and it’s hard to get a heal off without using bubble if 2-3 mobs on you due to spell pushback.

All the bubble does is let you heal uninterrupted which is nice but it’s just making up for the lack of having strong offensive abilities. Stun has 1min CD, the bubbles share 1min CD due to the debuff you get. Not to mention early levels the stun is rather short so not that useful outside of stopping a cast.

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I’m personally loving it. I see people talking in general chat. I see people randomly grouping up. I met three people today that I spent a half an hour of my life with each. I heard a joke about Mankriks wife.

You may not be able to find the same flashy combat in BfA, but you’ll find something, much, much harder to get in any game you play - a sense of community, friendship, and the ability to impact other people’s lives. It’s an amazing feeling.


There’s a reason why ppl love Vanilla wow and it was more about the community than anything else. If you’re used to playing alone and want a change then play vanilla and you’ll get that community feeling.


Heck yeah.

When the starting area was too overrun to get anything done, me and a random player that had grouped decided to run to TB then Org.

As we approached Org, 2 more players showed up. All 4 of us Tauren.

We made a group of 4 and toured Org. We even went and knelt together before Thrall. Man I wish I would have screenshot that!

Didn’t get much done in terms of questing but boy did I have a great time!


Actually I just said it’s better than vanilla, big difference.

Self evidently it is subjective, since people have different opinions on the matter.

Try a difficulty that you can’t join a queue for and get back to me.

God forbid the game be exciting on a regular basis.

Not really. I have been thinking about this a lot. With the new talent trees they took all the passive stuff you used to have to spec in to, usually at the expense of more interesting stuff that was only useful situationally, and make it baseline, and then gave you choices that were situational. I’d actually say that its more impactful on the game than a talent tree you set a 60 and never think about again.

Pretty much the reason I won’t be playing it, nostalgia is great but these idiots aren’t worth putting up with for the fuzzy feelings it would bring.

If you don’t like your hand being held maybe try something harder than LFR, or god forbid do some pvp mr honor level 2. Sounds to me like you’re too scared of the actual challenges that exist in BFA.

Ironically most classic fanboys seem to think that their inability to enjoy BFA means no-one else could.

No, it’s just because its faster that people are willing to risk the danger.


Well that’s easy. The part where you to try and figure out which azerite traits are actually good for my class/spec. I still have like 3 or 4 site bookmarked for when I was playing that I used to try and figure out which to use for my tank when I got an upgrade because the system is so convoluted. It makes my head hurt just thinking about it.

Would that be fun to do on retail?

It’s pretty straightforward for the most part once you learn about how bad most of them are. It’s a nice idea but in practice is awful. It’s a horrible replacement for tier.

I can’t wait to get my first tier piece again.