This... wasn't very fun

People are starting to see why the line “you think you do, but you dont” was said


I’ve actually been wondering if they are actually attempting to make all classes more similar; so it can be consolidated to be played via console… I wouldn’t be surprised if we got a next gen console release for BFA…


I was having fun straight from level 1 !

But i guess experience and enjoyment will be subjective


That’s nice, see you in August.

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I started in Vanilla as well, you aren’t special.

In fact this character I’m posting on now is the first character I’ve leveled from scratch since early wrath.

And you know what? I found the new leveling experience (well the cata revamps are new to me at any rate) far more enjoyable.

I’m not locked into certain zones at certain levels, I can level in any old world zone I want at any time instead of following the same path through the same zones over and over.

Because you have everything from level one now, ignore those greyed out passives in your spell book that you get at certain levels, ignore the talents, they aren’t real.

Aside from less elite mobs and a few new starter zones it actually is.

That went straight to HF after their starting zone and was only one class, which yiu needed a level 55 character to start in the first place.

Hey, you managed to get at least one thing right. Good for you.

Thanks for proving my point.

Either or when it comes to what kind of baby classic fanboys will call you for pointing out that classic in fact had flaws.

According to classic fans yes, apparently the boring nature of levelling in classic is the whole of it’s charm.

Tbh when I look back at levelling in vanilla for the first time I honestly think it relied on the sunk cost trap.

Once you’d gotten to a certain point (35ish) you had the whole “well I’ve come this far, better not quit or I’ve just wasted a lot of time for nothing” combined with the tiny cherry of finally getting a mount… well yeah, can’t say I enjoyed it. I stuck with it to join my friends in the end game content, which they assured me made it all worth it. They weren’t wrong.


For most classes the game does not even pick up much if at all till level 20.

Of all classes I can say paladins have it the absolute harshest playstyle wise and hunters and mages get it much better (in my opinion) as one uses kiting and threat management while the other can do aoe focused techniques.

At level 20 almost if not all Classes gain huge traction compared to the first 19 levels, some through multiple abilities or others through a single game-changing ability.

When to know Classic might not be for you?
However overall the gameplay relies heavily on balancing, timing, making correct decisions and relying on teamwork. It is more about the choices you make rather than the abilities you use. What vanilla/Classic lack is the concept of getting in and using a string of abilities that cooperate with each other smoothly along with graphical rewards to reward the eyes of the player. Sure there are classes/specs that do this to some degree but it is nothing compared to the setup of the current game.

If that does not deter you then try at least until level 20-30. Based on the concept though I highly suggest not rolling Paladin, my favorite lore class, mostly because the play of the class is very lackluster even on Vanilla terms. Warrior, Rogue or Mage might be much more appealing. If you want challenge then the first two will definitely be up your alley.

You later stated that the PVE and PVP seemed unappealing in this thread.

From an outward PoV I can’t say much other than it will easily appear that way. But it generally works as stated before, based on your choices and how you work around your surroundings MUCH MORE than rolling in with a line of abilities.

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Hey, some people enjoy terrible games. Glad you find BFA fun, but everyone here is waiting to play a great game.


Vanilla was great once you get past the terrible leveling portion.

Terrible for you, since you’re the one who thinks BFA leveling was good.


psssst guys. . I think it might be a post meant to get us all riled up.


Vanilla/Classic is great subjectively during the leveling portion for many people just as it will be horrible for many other people.

Objectively the overall character progression system of vanilla leveling is leaps and bounds beyond that of the current game.


To each their own. Some people prefer the faster whack-a-mole style that BFA has turned into


Ill see you in august… Or I wont.

either way please have fun enjoying what you do <3


“you think you do but you dont” was said by the game designer who near single handedly has destroyed every game he’s ever touched.

He can go lick a frozen flag pole for all I care.

------I----- know I know, I dont think, I know I want vanilla back.

“ONOEZ ITS NOT HARD” show me 1 piece of BFA thats actually hard and I’ll give you all the gold from an alt all the way to L32 to pay for your mount.


You’re obviously right. But I could care less. I haven’t forumed enough in so long since being on beta.

Only thing that makes vanilla leveling feel better is the talent tree. Put the talent tree in BFA and classic leveling would just feel like you’re wasting your time

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Arnt we allowed to enjoy both games? I love Sonic the Hedgehog 1 on Sega Genesis… I also love Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on Genesis… Why when it comes to WOW it is all - casual - scrub - catababy - wrathbaby… Why such a division?


What’s scary is I did a comparison test in the cradle area(1-6) and OMG. I couldn’t die if I wanted to. The handholding was off the charts.

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What I hate the most is the condescending attitude that the Classic fans seem to have. Makes the community seem incredibly sh1t and turns me off the game even more tbh.


Meanwhile pvp mages have like 40-50 key binds. Not everything is about raiding.


The concept of having to work with others. The time taken to advance. The gain of abilities and ranks of said abilities. Attaining mounts at much later levels. The importance of abilities as they have much greater effects on the character.


How are you not turned off of WoW completely then? Because you know that the reason we have become this way is the sh1t community on current in general.

I will say this, the forums and in-game are 100% different. For both sides.

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