This... wasn't very fun

Yeah, it gets a lot more engaging at higher levels when you start getting more tools. Its not a fast paced Action RPG compared to Modern WoW though, but it gets more engaging.

I think this is the wrong message (no offense) about Classic. It is a different sort of gameplay, which is why those who wanted it wanted it at all. Itā€™s fundamentally different to Retail, which is the point. I would say if you donā€™t like the slower, deeper pace of Classic, itā€™s probably not for you. The alternative is what Retail and a hundred other available games offer.

For me it was immediately engaging again, and has remained so during the leveling process. Itā€™s a joy to play, actually.

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Well my main is alsp in this thread, Sacrodruid, and i raid on her.

But yes, Iā€™m not even close to getting bored of the dungeons yet. Iā€™ve made lots of new friends through pugging so Iā€™m having all sorts of fun.

Raids have also been a blast.

oh man pvp
i remember when it took me MONTHS to get my full set
but after getting good at my class, and with that set
i could take on like 4 dudes and win in pvp
looking forward to old school pvp :smiley:
when GEAR mattered


Combat doesnā€™t have to be complex to be engaging. When you run the real risk of dying while fighting even just 2 mobs at once, youā€™re far more engaged than you are when you complete quests by gathering as many of the mobs up at once and AoEing them down without even taking any damage.

I donā€™t find leveling or questing in BfA every compelling at all, but vanilla/Classic, even with literally ONE button on my bars is infinitely more fun.



And the part where you use arcane explosion/flamestrike for half the bosses in MC, fireblast last second on non immune mobs to maximize DPS, blizzard kite the phase 3 nefarian adds, swap to scorch/arcane missiles on Chromaggus during vuln changes, iceblock to drop debuffs like flame buffet, blink to drop stun mechanics from mobs like corehounds, and proper mana gem usage, but go ahead and just spam frostbolt.

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Some people find chess to be fun and engaging. Others say itā€™s too simple and boring

The main games spent so long trying to bring in people who donā€™t like the genre that I donā€™t think anyone will be surprised at the outcome. Iā€™ve always said the only thing to kill modern WoW is itself, classic might take some that prefer a more traditional MMORPG but with so many people who seem to not like RPGs or social aspects in retail thereā€™s no doubt many wonā€™t last a month.

Itā€™s all the decisions that make it interesting to me. Little things - do I buy a bag or level tailoring, do I buy a wand or level enchanting a little, which profs on my main, my alts, do I skip a quest and come back or group up and push through it now. All trivial decisions, I know. The choices for the most part, at least at low level, donā€™t have long term consequences; but I enjoy the thought processes to reach a decision. Very little of the game, really, is just knocking down mobs.

Thatā€™s exactly why I have a Google Docā€™s Sheet with my planned main, alts, bank alt and professions all layed out. And even that spreadsheet keeps changing from day to day.


Iā€™m a NERD!!!


hate to break it to you, but that time is wasted no matter your perspective.

Itā€™s a game. Itā€™s wasted time by nature, unless your getting paid for it.

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I started to do this. And then after the first stress test decidedā€¦

NO! I didnā€™t do that back then, and while Iā€™ll be better at making decisions, I want to do it all on the fly and enjoy part of that experience again.

Well thats different then. I was basing over the character you replied with. Honestly, I just donā€™t think BFA is really all that fun atm. 8.2 looks kinda promising I suppose but, I would rather play any other xpac over BFA. I guess the game just feels really dead to me compared to past xpacs, besides WoD that is.

BFA always felt like a holdover for more content. WoD was like that. Cataclysm before that. The biggest problem was the continuation of something that probably should have ended back in Wrath.

How do you follow up a good trilogy? It ainā€™t with the Crystal Skull, or MiB International.

That said, those early days in Vanilla are not engaging compared to modern games, especially MMOs. Every competitor to WoW frontloaded some of their best content, and then, there was nothing to hold them after that.

Vanilla is intended to ramp up to endgame, endgame was the carrot. Endgame is what Blizzard hoped, from the start, would keep players hooked, and thatā€™s what people wanted to get to, because what else are you gonna do?

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