This wasn't handled well

Seeing as there is a community in excess of 200,000 people who were begging for and playing the 15 year old game despite persecution by Blizzard I don’t think they need to advertise to be successful. If anything, having a huge bump in population and then a rapid decline like we saw caused by the Apex Legends stream is extremely harmful to the community. Its what sunk WAR, Aeon and Rift. Having too much fairweather people is destructive.

As long as the lights are still on while I am playing I could care less if 200,000 people play it or 2,000,000 people play it.

lol made myself feel bad, too. gotta remember to keep the drive to succeed balanced with my long term health.

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egads, well lets hope it doesnt . lets hope that it works to make the game successful for the long haul. i personally am excited for classic tbc and for that to happen, classic vanilla has to be a success

Dear Megustab,

Honestly, the bulk of the streamers suck (exceptions can be made for the PvP players and top raiders, etc.).

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@OP - Post of the month.

lol asmongold is a trip. i watch him when i need a jolt to get my brain started. his occassional bursts into absurdity, typically lights up the parts of my brain related to proper social etiquette. haha yet he doesnt completely cross the line.

also you can tell him and the disembodied voice of mcconnel, plan some of their debates/convos ahead of time. for example, mcconnel plays the role of the average nihilistic wow fan. he gives voice to complaints others are making, deliberately insults asmongold with words other wow fans have said and pretends like those are his thoughts. it’s all quite brilliant.

straw man

/ˌstrô ˈman/


an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument.

Citation needed. Don’t they teach you to qualify your claims in college?

Also, please let me know how many times WoW has had major content launches when school is actually out of session. Practically every expansion release is in the fall semester, including the original WoW release itself. But this time its suddenly an issue to release Classic at the least important part of the semester.

Did people complain about Marvel releasing a blockbuster close to spring finals LIKE THEY DO EVERY SINGLE YEAR?? Get over yourself.

You know its not random right? Automated is not the same thing as random. It is set clearly to target big promotional opportunities (streamers). Also as it says in previous posts that they are looking for a range of players, so some may be are original vanilla players some are returning players in BFA or even first timers.

“An automated system will add new testers to the WoW Classic Beta Test as necessary”


“To fill our pool of beta and stress test participants, we’ll be choosing dedicated players who meet select criteria from both the WoW Classic beta opt-in and the standard Warcraft beta opt-in. Participants will also need to have an active subscription or active game time on their Battlenet Account. While opting-in to the beta is the primary way to make sure you’re in the running to join the test it doesn’t guarantee an invitation to the closed beta test. We may also consider additional factors such as how long a player has been subscribed to the game so that we have the right mix of players to ensure great feedback toward making WoW Classic the very best experience for the community.”

from that system they select as they see fit i know plenty of non streamers or streamers who have like 5 viewers on the average, that still got beta. So if you as well as everyone else here can stop taking it personally that would be great. Trust me i want to be a tester too. Also please link where it shows that these streamers got access keys please.

These streamers aren’t known for playing WoW. These “influencers” could be streaming the most uninteresting RL stuff and they would still have 30-50k viewers…

People watching popular twitch personalities are a bunch of 11-15 year olds because no adult would be watching that vapid detritus. Want proof? It’s nothing but POGU, MONKAS, PEPELAUGH or OMEGALUL’s in chat. Adults don’t follow or subscribe to that sheep mentality. Moreover, this younger demographic cares more about F2P games like fortnite, LoL and apex. They won’t be subscribing to play classic and anyone that wants to delude themselves into thinking otherwise is having a laugh. MMO’s haven’t appealed to the younger crowd for ages now and I don’t see that changing come the 27th of August.

It’s called wishful thinking and Blizzard is being incredibly naive.


actually, its the younger viewers of the stream that are doing the pepelaugh, monkas spams. everyone else watching has the chat turned off so they can focus on the video and so they don’t burn out their cpu from streaming non stop spam. i always turn the chat off. whats the point of having it on? 40,000+ viewers and only a small fraction are posting in the chat

Your reply was incredibly naive. Oh well, nothing surprising when you nose is that far up your back side.

Right HERE

To make things worse, on Monday and Tuesday a couple of these influencers thought it would be a good idea to hop on Twitter and Reddit to mock members of the Classic community (or react to people that were mocking them). Players and streamers were getting into petty spats, with the former expressing their dislike for the latter, and the latter flaunting their beta access to intentionally goad the former. Not exactly a positive environment surrounding the release announcement of your game. The fact that you made these Twitch personalities the custodians of the biggest Classic-related news yet – I just think the person that made this decision is incredibly out of touch. This information should have been released through official channels and not left to some Twitch streamers that the community is already hostile toward.

Well said miss, well said. I was neutral and enjoyed some content from Esfand but after watching his stream and him whine about people whining about him ticked me off.

Alsoria, you are a mean person with an ego. I will say no more, nor respond to you. Your one sentence message is quite sad.

Regardless of whether you like it or not, her post is well thought out and stated with logic. Your sentence is insulting and condescending and I am sorry that you feel you have to speak to people like thatt.

I don’t agree and especially at lvl 60. A player can farm mats for a little while and that’s about it. I don’t know of a single raid or dungeon that could be completed from the time a player decided where they wanted to go to the end of the dungeon in 30 minutes. Getting a group together and getting to the dungeon might take all of the 30 minutes.

Facts don’t care about your feelings. Sorry irrefutable harsh truths trigger you, snowflake.

When I played in 2005 there were plenty of players below 18. I don’t have any numbers, but there was more than none like you’ve declared.

That number has steadily declined. The BR genre is all the rage for kids nowadays. The average age of your typical Vanilla player back in 2004 was in their mid 20’s and early 30’s.

Well thought out post. Have to disagree about the timing of release complaint. This is meant to recreate the same Vanilla enviroment that led to a few of my guildmates to fail out of college. World of Crack!! Very authentic. Lol

So Blizzard opens the Beta for Vanilla and lo and behold the vast majority if not all those selected are “streamers”. Nothing against them but there have been a lot of people supporting and playing WOW long before many of these people began “play for pay”. I and many other players were really looking for a great start to Vanilla and thus far with the Beta launch are thinking “yep here we go again”. Maybe keep in mind how all us “common” folk are paying all your salaries…respectfully…