This wasn't handled well

This is going to be a bit verbose.

My opinion is that the Classic release/beta announcement has been handled in a poor manner. I’ll get right to the major issues:

1. The Streamer Involvement

I’m not sure if your social media/marketing people are aware, but there’s a non-nominal portion of the Classic Wow community that absolutely loathes streamers. For some people it’s likely a generational thing (they didn’t grow up with Twitch); for other people it’s personal. There are certain Twitch personalities that have publicly expressed negativity toward the revitalization of vanilla WoW and/or elements of the vanilla community. There are others that have either shared false Classic information or just come across as being untrustworthy opportunists. There’s yet a third group that has openly derided vanilla-WoW design philosophies because those principles don’t lend themselves to e-sports. These are some of the people we were receiving information from yesterday; these are the people that have (or likely will have) access to the beta.

To make things worse, on Monday and Tuesday a couple of these influencers thought it would be a good idea to hop on Twitter and Reddit to mock members of the Classic community (or react to people that were mocking them). Players and streamers were getting into petty spats, with the former expressing their dislike for the latter, and the latter flaunting their beta access to intentionally goad the former. Not exactly a positive environment surrounding the release announcement of your game. The fact that you made these Twitch personalities the custodians of the biggest Classic-related news yet – I just think the person that made this decision is incredibly out of touch. This information should have been released through official channels and not left to some Twitch streamers that the community is already hostile toward.

This game is (was?) guaranteed to have a tremendous Twitch presence anyway, and anyone paying attention knew that months ago. Some of the biggest names on that site have expressed interest in streaming Classic, as well as various Instagram personalities and even people who have done television/film. The idea that you need to “create” a Twitch presence for Classic by using B/C tier streamers that are going to get absolutely buried during release, I just don’t see the purpose. It’s like your social media team is trying to create work for themselves that doesn’t actually need to be done, and in the process they do more harm than good. I don’t believe retail expansion announcements are handled in the manner that we saw this week, so why do this with Classic Wow? Is this the way we are going to get Classic, TBC, and Wrath server information in the future? If yes, why?

2. The Layering Information Dissemination

This ties heavily into issue number 1. Why are we first receiving this information from people who aren’t game designers or network engineers? Skilled professionals are going to be the most adept at explaining a game system such as this, not some dude whose only tech bonafides are building a gaming PC and a Twitch channel. The whole sharding/phasing/layering topic has been one of the most contentious issues here for months, so you’d have to be a total dullard (or just not paying attention) to not see that the layering announcement is something that needed to be handled with finesse. Instead of controlling the narrative on this issue and providing information via official channels, you left it up to a group of people who don’t even fully understand how it works.

Why isn’t Ion Hazzikostas the face of Classic WoW? He has more verifiable vanilla WoW experience than 99.99% of the people here, and he should have been anointed as the (public) head authority on this project a long time ago. I understand he’s very busy, but he really should be the dominant voice here. I was the guild leader of Elitist Jerks; I’m a Scarab Lord; I did the math on unbeatable C’Thun; I’m the authority. Assert yourself and just straight up tell people that you understand the vanilla WoW experience as well as anyone else does, and you fully understand their concerns about the impact of new tech in Classic WoW. I see that Ion and Calia are now being wheeled out to attempt damage control on the layering thing; they should have been handling this information the entire time.

3. The Release Date

Yeah…this screwed a bunch of us hard, and it stings. I won’t directly address the bozos who can’t be bothered to look up easily verifiable facts regarding who is in school and who is not, but I will say that in the United States alone there are ~8-9 million college students age 25+, depending on the year (roughly 40-45% of all college students in the U.S., according to the National Center for Education Statistics). For students of any age, and educators, late August/ early September is obviously going to be a bad time to get lost in Azeroth again. That time of the year can also be busy for parents, with kids going back to school and the drama/schedule changes involved in that process. The retail sector is one of the biggest employers in America, and early September is when they and other companies start focusing on gearing up operations for the holiday months. Simply put, early September (+/- a week) starts to get really busy for millions upon millions of people.

Is one of the goals of Classic WoW to get people back who may have been out of your ecosystem for an extended period of time? Is releasing a time-demanding game when many people don’t have time to spare a good way to achieve that? Everyone knows that Classic requires a time commitment that many modern MMOs do not, and the people looking to get back into it are probably very aware of just how many hours it can chew up. Making a serious attempt to get back into vanilla WoW at the busiest point in the year is likely going to yield poor results (either in game progress, or in aspects of your real life, or both). There are only so many hours in the day, and if I have extremely limited free time, I’m much more likely to hop on Path of Exile or Borderlands 3, or whatever. There are thousands of games out there where I can accomplish tasks if I only have 30 minutes to play; Classic WoW is not one of them.

I understand that Classic needs some more time in the proverbial oven, but I can’t help but feel like the Classic release date is scheduled around patch 8.2. Retail patch 8.2 is releasing at some point near the beginning of the summer, and it’s my belief that Activision-Blizzard doesn’t wan’t 8.2 and Classic to compete with each other. That’s fine, and completely understandable, but you’re making a conscious decision to negatively impact (many) Classic players so that you can separate 8.2 and Classic. I hope 8.2 brings as many players back for you as Classic likely will. I understand that retail is more profitable, but when your monthly active users are vanishing like smoke, I would have thought that getting as many users back as possible would be a priority. I guess that’s why I don’t make the big bucks.

Anyway, if you’ve read this far, you’re a trooper, and I wish you all joy in your less than one third of a Classic summer.


Thats like saying I dont want to watch sports on espn. Content creators are the bridge from developers to potential customers, like it or not.

People genuinely judge game popularity based on twitch. You may not like it but this wont change.


Okay felicia


Absolutely on #1. If for no other reason, because having to go to an outside platform to get your wow news from a non-WoW employee about important WoW related news means suddenly you are subject to a platform that may not follow in the slightest the Blizzard ethos. What if they dislike you and ban you for personal reasons of their own? Are you then cut off from Blizzard news? Are they making money from you being there? Why are we making money for these people?


Harken not to the words of this fel-tainted Elf vixen, friends. They are a practitioner of evil and twisted magics.

This post is meant only to deceive and instill chaos among we devout. Put your faith in the Light and all is possible. We shall triumph.


Eafand was a wrath baby and the streamer thing was less than desirable.


That’s the idea of it, isn’t it? One hand washes the other in this day and age. Unless you are an absolute powerhouse (which Blizzard/A-Blizzard is not anymore) companies rely on playing off one another. Twitch is a prime example.

Blizzard employees aren’t that dumb. The streamer angle was done by intent. It promotes traffic on another platform for both parties benefit.


I’m not defending streamers nor saying I agree with their decision on said “content creators,” but if you could promote a game and reach an audience the size they have, they’d invite you as well. And if someone attacked you for your choice of entertainment (and for some of those guys, livelihood) and mocked you for it, you wouldn’t defend yourself?

Wait…you seriously cannot be complaining about the release date. This basically invalidates everything else you posted because you are just whining here. Wrath launched in November and BC launched in January, WoW was at its peak amount of players during that time. People are going to play regardless. “It stings?” They are giving you a product they don’t need to make and they are giving you a release date which everyone begged for that’s still in summer with a month left. As promised. Stop acting like Blizzard owes you something and just be grateful you’re getting this niche game. My god. And yes

“I only have 30 minutes to play”

I can get things done in Classic in 30 minutes. Maybe not as much as I want, but you certainly can do things.

Exactly. They are pushing this out as quickly as they can as a polished product and all people do is complain.


Before that content creators used to hang out on the forums, then youtube and now twitch. They always existed, but the medium on wich they delivered the content has changed.

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What no way. It’s juat Pure Coincidence™️ that all the streamers got randomly chosen for the random beta access along with some beta keys to give away randomly to random people who may or may not be subscribed to them and their patreon.


Classic is not a race. No matter how excited someone is to play the game, it’s not a race. Sure, there’s some edge case folks who want to gogogo. But, again, still, it’s not a race. It does not really matter when you start the game. Others will be starting with you.

Second, sinisterly, the time frame could have been chosen BECAUSE it’s a “lull time” for the game. I’ve always assumed that Classic would be launched during a lull, whether it was due to content (8.2 is going to come out before August for sure), or demographics (players going back to school).

Release Classic at the height of summer to the server crushing hordes? Maybe not such a good idea. And how is late August any different from most any other time during school year beyond folks getting settled in during the first couple weeks.

The big thing is that they announced it which such a determinant schedule, this far in advance. Something many folks wanted so that they could schedule vacation time to come and join the fray.

As you said, the game is a marathon. And it’s not a race. Play when it’s right for you.


How are streamers “content creators”? They are a bunch of people who play games with their faces in the corner of the screen while rambling and giving away occasional in game prizes in order to get more views so they can get advertiser dollars.


It’s not random

As a nursing student, one of the most time demanding majors possible, who will be back in classes before classic is released: Stop whining.


Celine Dion should sing a sad ballad for this guy.


They are creating content, the difficulty of it doesn’t really matter.

This hate is remarkably nochanges. You guys are doing it all the way.


Streamers are not content creators, they create no content. They are public content CONSUMERS. It’s like if someone bought some Burger King and went in the middle of the public square and started gratuitously eating it and rubbing it all over themselves, and yes, it’s just as disgusting.


Because they are good at the game, they give tips about the class they’re playing and sometimes create community events, or are you telling me that method streamers, some who played vanilla and cleared to naxx are just a bunch of rambling idiots who do not know anything about the game?.

Or how their stream on world first clear uldir was a huge success for them and blizzard in terms of viewers and content created.


That twitchtv population is really going to bring back that classic community… crickets


Going to put .ttv suffix on the end of all my character names

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