This wasn't handled well

I guess you didn’t look very hard for basic info about the Beta

So you really are gonna be that daft, huh? Where’s the bluepost on layering, CRBGs, unarmored mounts, whatever else, etc?

What does that have to do with Twitch and the marketing team? Conflation much? Good lord…

Here ya go, interview with a Classic dev. Took about 15 secs to find.

That this kind of information was made streamer exclusive and you have to go through streamer interviews to get that information. I don’t see the point, you can’t justify it. I was complaining about the fact that it was streamer exclusive. There doesn’t seem to be a big reason to drop this information through streamers instead of just making an official announcement.

How is it conflation if it was what I was complaining about from the start?

they say that stem field jobs is where the best money is but college students have been brain washed into believing they should want to major in women’s studies (an area that is already over saturated) and other social programs. if you insist on social programs, go for the ones where the government pays you to build warp engines for space exploration or something. god knows we ladies have been studied more than probably anything else on the planet.

Wow, thank you for linking streamer “content creator” stuff that I just asked why we have to go through them to get this info. You proved your point very well. It literally is titled “EXCLUSIVE” and is on a streamer’s youtube channel. Brilliant. You are a genius.

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Its not open for debate. STEM degrees, such as engineering of basically any spec., are vastly outperforming against any other 4 year degree. Especially female graduates, they are making bank.

The funny thing is, women are becoming a larger majority on practically every college campus in western society, yet men still represent like 90% of engineering students. They are flat out choosing to study other things.

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Well great post, they probably should of done closed beta.

Well streamers are content consumers while their viewers who watch game streaming probably watch it because its their kink.

So anyone know what the layer minimum pop are? It would be good to get more info on that because it just sounds like a fancy word for sharding made to confuse others.

Well Ion probably wouldn’t of been a good fit to be classic wows face, I don’t really buy the whole c’Thun is unbeatable. Players really shouldn’t be hired for mmo development do to their biased views or maybe not players but elite raiders, unless they are making a new one from scratch.

well, let me take your mind back a couple decades…nearly 4 decades actually. the year is 1980 and a great fantasy scifi film named star wars: the empire strikes back, is about to come out. fans of its predecessor, star wars: a new hope, have been waiting 3 long years for the sequel to come out. guess who advertised it and disseminated info? fan mags. hehe scifi conventions. fan clubs.

the more things change, the more they look the same.

We aren’t talking about whether or not college is worth it, we are discussing that a large amount of people become extremely busy at the end of August, lol. Plus your notions on the popular college majors is clearly outdated. Ed . Gov shows pretty clearly that philosophy, gender studies and cultural studies majors are all shrinking while math, agriculture and health professionals are growing leaps and bounds.

I think the amount of posts calling the people upset about the release date “kiddos” and “entitled” speaks plenty to infantilizing of college students.

3k per layer. same as vanilla era servers.

awesome! hope for the future. since elon musk is revving up for mars colonies, we’re gonna need all the brainiacs we can get.

Yes, we all know it was the fan mags that generated the blockbuster hype and not a conventional marketing strategy and running the normal hollywood circuit.

it seriously was. i’m not kidding. if you watch the tv ads for a new hope and empire, they were both terrible. it was hype in the scifi community that sent it into the stratosphere.

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You’re effectively complaining about a lack of an official post for something that clearly isn’t finalized yet while also complaining that a lot of what is known has come from content creators that had access to members of the dev team.

Are you jelly Ion didn’t come to your house and hold your hand while he waked you through technical systems that don’t even appear to be finalized yet?

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So basically you’ve given up because you kept strawmanning, and you just want to strawman some more, okay.

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I love that Classic is releasing in August. It’ll be cooling down and the kids are back in school.

There’s no downside.


You didn’t, I threw that in for free.

You mean misleading stats with no citation while conveniently ignoring other demographics that are also busy that time of year?

I think the crying and whining from said students is doing on its own, some people are just pointing out that irony for them because clearly they haven’t taken that course yet.

No, I just don’t care. Info is out there, go find it. Ain’t my job to spoon feed you. Sorry you can’t see beyond your own bubble and grasp how wildly popular Classic Beta has been on Twitch and that it was clearly a good marketing play.

Stay salty =p