This still is WARcraft right?

There is plenty of war in warcraft. we just got done with a war with the primalists, a war with the primal incarnates, a war with the sundered scale, a war with the fire giants, a war with the druids of the flame. hell from WC3 to now the Horde v Alliance plot as been a side plot at best.

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not since shadowlands

It helps keep the lagomorph hordes in check if you wear trophies.

I’m not taking fashion advice from this knock-off pirate :heart:

Remember in WotLK when we stopped to hold a friendly renaissance faire?

Come, friend, sit by this lovely campfire and I’ll start the first verse of Kumbaya.

It’s true. If the Horde had hunted foxes like the Gilneans maybe they wouldn’t have ended up with us :dracthyr_nod:

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Noblegarden is why WoW doesn’t have an anthro rabbit race.

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People complaining about optional Trading Post cosmetics for being silly as if we’re not still getting really cool actual cosmetics from things like tier sets baffle me.


Oddly enough, the Celtic warriors would often fight naked. The reason was that they didn’t have heavy armor and fighting with cloth was actually more dangerous than fighting naked.

This was because if they were hit with a blade the cloth could get imbedded in their wound. That was more likely to get infected which was what killed more people in battle than blades and arrows did back in those days.

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It is factionless

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There is new noblegarden stuff coming. :robot::sweat_drops:

…and maybe a cute little wizard. :robot::magic_wand:

Let’s see… Dio from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures had hearts on his outfit. And he:

  1. Had a subordinate behead himself, and turned him into a vampire.
  2. Killed Countless people to satiate his hunger and some the audience cared about.
  3. mentally tortured his “brother” and killed him, decapitated him and took his body.
  4. Proceeded to “seed” others with that body.
    Give me a little and I’ll figure something out about sunflower staffs. but, trust me, hearts mean nothing if the one wearing it has none.

20 years worth of normal looking armor and weapons
They add like 10 weird funny cute things and people LOSE THEIR MIND



Which is odd as it started with anthro easter bunnies. :robot::thought_balloon:

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Name checks out.

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I hope it’s still Warcraft. I named my toon after it.

You have no idea how badly I want Hello Kitty stuff! :pleading_face:

They could have made a story about putting their differences aside like they did in legion. There were tensions, obviously, but they came together to accomplish something, generations of hatred don’t just disappear in a single night.

This sunshine and rainbow stuff is frankly off putting, because even if it’s a fantasy world, because you still have to establish a certain theme, for example, imagine there was a story that was realistic, but then all of a sudden people can fly, that would ruin the direction of the story.

Wow was originally a story about war, you can turn it into a story about putting differences aside, but you can’t just do that overnight, legion was a good example of this, they put their differences aside to fight the legion, but they weren’t like “come here and let me hug you brotha”.

The night elves treatment is the worst offender, the horde literally burned and killed thousands of innocent people UNPROVOKED, and then like 2 years later, they are holding hands with their ENEMY!

To this day i still cannot understand why they made such a narrative choice, it’s so insane, did they really think that they could pull that off?

Attacking someone in such a manner is unequivocally an act of war, a really bad one too, there is NO WAY IN HELL!! That would be forgiven!

And no, just because “it was Sylvanas” And not “the horde” doesn’t excuse that. First of all, that’s utter bs, it was indeed the horde, it’s always been the horde, they were pretty much always the “bad guy” if they wanted to maintain peace the others should have done something, just because you’re a grunt, that doesn’t excuse your involvement into something.

I was just following orders! Do you think that saved them from being executed?