This Queue Time is Pathetic Blizz

“You have Stockholm Syndrome if you don’t think it’s the restaurant’s fault that there’s a long wait time to be seated during their dinner rush hour!”

Okay, dude. :rofl:

Like what? What’s the solution to the problem of server capacity, exactly? How would you fix it?

I would really love to know what you think they should’ve done to somehow make this pre-patch launch smoother.

Wow, so hostile! I never asked you to explain networking to me. All I’m asking for is

  1. What’s your solution to the problem, since you seem to think that the solution is so obvious?
  2. Why do you think that layering is meant to mitigate the risk of server crashes, when it was specifically stated that it’s to maintain playability?
  3. How do you think layers actually work, specifically? What causes them to spin up?

I’ve repeatedly asked you for your perspective on these things, but instead of giving simple answers to simple questions, you’ve just continuously avoided them, despite your insistence that you’re a competent and knowledgeable professional in the field.

Responding to these genuine (and extremely simple) inquiries with weak ad hominems like “You don’t know the difference between a router and a modem” is really just a bad look on you. I generally agree with you when I see your posts on most topics, but the way you conduct yourself in this thread doesn’t inspire any confidence that you’ve actually earned the right to dismiss this problem of queues as a matter of corporate greed on Blizzard’s part. :man_shrugging:

If you asked me what caused new layers to spin up and how they worked, I’d actually tell you. Rather than “yOu WoUlDn’T gEt It.”

Aurumai it seems like you are suffering from a long queue time as well based on how much you have posted here

level of success is a spectrum and it can be achieved by anyone who wills it.

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I’m leveling a character on Skyfury as we speak. Don’t project. :stuck_out_tongue:

All of your questions have been answers in my posts in this thread, you are either willfully ignoring them or you’re expecting me to write a novel for you on how to create your own private server using Kubernetes to set up pods cluster with MongoDB as your database which would be able to handle a bigger load than what Blizzard’s servers can.

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Okay Mr Miyagi

Btw i’ve always wondered, how does Community Council work? Do you get paid to moderate the forums or something or do you guys get special access to Devs before normal players?

I’m not aware of how the WoW forums works and why people have different text than others, not sure if you’re like chosen by the community or something.

I always expect the worst with this company Aurumai. I’m a broken man

Be the change you want to see

Why don’t you change your fat face

I’m going to be the bigger man and just leave you to your dark thoughts. Best of luck to you.

I’m the better man and good luck to you. Last word.

Last word? L42

You can’t say that. I already said Last word.

We don’t get paid. We get special writing privilege on the Community Council sub-forums on these forums (Which everyone can see) and access to a private discord server for the Community Council.
Devs rarely ever talk to us directly outside of writing a post to answer some questions on the Community Council forums.

Oh cool, how does one get that privilege? Did you have to apply for it or is it something you can like donate to get.

It was an application, I don’t know if it’s still opened right now, no money involved.

I wrote my application over a year ago now and it took almost a year for them to invite me to the council.

That’s pretty neat, gz on the Council seat. I bet they probably scour through all your posts/purchases/chat logs/etc. before they place you on there, you probably made a good impression on them.

Somehow I doubt they did.

That would actually be funny if they allow a super anti-Blizzard poster to get a Council seat, that would probably be a bigger headache for them. I just figured they picked people who supported their direction of things.