This Queue Time is Pathetic Blizz

Yeah cuz alliance players love moving to a realm that is 99.8% horde. Their realm choice was idiotic.


As a loyal Blizzard shareholder, I feel the queue times are beneficial. I feel I am getting a solid return on my money invested.

In these tough economic times, it is more important than ever to safeguard your investors’ equity and I have full confidence in Activision/Blizzard leadership to do just that.

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if cubicle races as reinstated as acceptable work practices , can a person jump ahead in the queue? asking for a friend…

They did this a lot, and were actively commenting on it as it was happening - explaining why they were adding the layers even though players were saying they didn’t want layers…

For once, I agree with you - I can’t fathom why it worked ~16 months ago with almost no repercussions but now it just somehow isn’t even talked about as something that could possibly ever work.

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Can you quote any Blizzard official saying that layers were intended to mitigate the risks of their servers crashing?

Also, I’m still waiting on a response from you regarding our conversation! Unless providing any explanation of your extremely aggressive stance is too big of an ask…

I was on Benediction day one when they released classic. When TBCC released, I couldn’t stand it anymore because the server was overpopulated and I couldn’t play with East coast players anyway because of my weird schedule. My friend (and a bunch of his IRL and game friends) rerolled on Grobbulus at the beginning of this year in anticipation for Wrath Classic. It was a “High Population” realm at that point, but a lot more chill than Bene imo.

So am I supposed to transfer off of it and leave my friend and a bunch of the new friends and guildies I’ve made on that server??


Yea just got off work it’s 11pm want to play some and 121 minute Que over 7k+ in line. So guess I can’t play tonight or if you have a job.


How do you sleep at night? It’s people like you that are the problem by giving these wealthy corporations the confidence that they can treat their customers the way they do. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I sleep on a pile of money with many beautiful ladies thanks to my investments.

Capitalism is the only way, it is brutal and beautiful and creates greatness in the forge of competition.

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Capitalist pig. It’s people like you that give people a bad name. This is toxic masculininity at it’s worst. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Grobbulus isn’t in a state where it makes any sense to transfer off because of wait times. Something you need to understand is that everyone is logging in during major content releases. Even if you were playing on a much smaller realm, this would still be the case.

Just one more reason why all of this incessant whining is ridiculous. This is basically the equivalent of all the Karens flooding the forums every time scheduled maintenance goes an hour over schedule even though we’ve had almost two decades of experience with this.

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I don’t need to quote them to understand what layering solve on a technical level.
And I don’t know what “servers they are using”, only they know, but I can make assumption based on the issue that it’s either old technology that can’t do proper scalability or that they are purposely refusing to scale their servers for money reasons.
The likelihood of being anything else is close to 0.

A better solution? Spend money on modern online services and use software that allow scaling and don’t have a limit on how much it can scale, just on how fast it can scale, so long as the scaling time isn’t longer than the industry standard.


No offense, but everyone defending Blizz at this point basically has Stockholm Syndrome. Yes, the game has been out for almost 20 years, yes we have been through multiple expansions with extremely long queue times, but this is why a lot of us are annoyed. Blizzard should’ve learned from their past mistakes and had a fix for it. They had plenty of time to brainstorm ideas for a smooth release for Classic, but they obviously didn’t plan for it being so popular. This goes to show they do not listen to the players, like REALLY listen to them. They only care about the bottom line.


Oh, so Ion Hazzikostas saying that layering was intended to keep the game playable when specific zones were packed with people… Not a credible source I guess? You and your assumptions on this topic are more credible source?

Oh, so you don’t know what technology they’re using to solve these problems, but you’re absolutely certain that it’s dated, and specifically dated because of corporate greed? That seems like really weak grounds for such aggressive stance on this topic.

I’m still curious and waiting for a response on what you think layering is, specifically, and why you think it doesn’t affect server population, but also think it somehow affects the likelihood of server crashes.

Mispeled you are getting trolled man. My friend who is in tech said the same thing as you are saying btw.

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my friend in tech said you’re both wrong.

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I don’t think he’s trolling. But I am wasting my time trying to explain networking to someone who probably don’t know the difference between a modem and a router.


Wouldn’t be dead if a bunch of you dogpiled into it like you did with your “Full” servers though, would it?

Success is toxic?

I’m sorry you have failed at everything in your life, maybe change out your face diaper and get some fresh air. You may like what you find.

Xerxy It’s people like you who make it impossible for good people like me to succeed. I bet you believe in male and female genders too. You are so toxic. It’s not my fault. It’s yours. How do you sleep at night?