This Queue Time is Pathetic Blizz

The thing is. YOu shouldn’t HAVE to do this. Doesn’t matter if it’s easy or not. What if you work at a job that you can’t have your phone on you to be able to do this? During Vanilla Classic i worked in a very busy kitchen and if i wanted to raid i had to have a remote desktop app and it was an absolute NIGHTMARE to try and keep my character logged in while also cooking for a ton of people in the restaurant. Blizzard should’ve just done their job and closed off servers that had super high pop instead of letting some servers get out of control pop wise.


With 250 servers just in US…12 million is a multi region number including China…

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Player created problem…


You’re assuming there isn’t more capacity. My guess is Wrath is FAR more appealing than TBC. In fact, there is probably a huge influx from Retail, much bigger than TBC launch.

They are literally trying to force people to move off realms we had to pay them to transfer to becuase layering enabled mega servers, paid transfers enabled the imbalances, and 3 years on from Classic Launch this is the best they can come up with
Restrict the layers to force people off realms.
Frankly I’d rather have them just blow the whole thing up and from next reset just alternately drop individuals into fresh servers. 1 horde, 1 alliance, 2k total…next server… have fun go make a new guild.
It’d less annoying…and we’d get thay social aspect! Make new freinds…haha

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Yeah I agree, like I said I wish Blizzard would do something but in 2 - 3 clicks you can get yourself queued and avoid the wait time.

Seems like Blizzard’s response time to these issues are incredibly long if they ever bother fixing it at all, so I figured a 3rd party trick should help people out who are in a bind.

With cloud computing, absolutely servers can do that.
It’s not 1.8 million people interacting with each other at all time.

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You understand that a BUNCH of people do this. This is literally no different than logging in and keeping yourself online while you’re tabbed out for an hour watching whatever movie you have playing on your other monitor. TONS of people are AFKing in the game because they don’t want to log out and get put into a queue.

This has to be false information, Grobb had 8 layers at 9am server time today.

I’m sure they’re in the double digits now.

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They fixed it before by literally adding more layers back when i was on whitemane.

They have the solution.


I’ve lost faith in this company

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dude you are a literal kevin/karen lol. spouting off we pay you to do this job just like people telling cops you pay their salaries they work for you lol. you pay that sub price for access to blizz servers when they are up and available. all you streamer sheep running to one massive server and then qqing about it deserve every second of that que you have. people like you are why blizzard doesn’t even bother half the time. and id bet they have the tech to fix this que issue but maybe thy are leaving it there so they can force some of you tools off of the dang megasrvers.


Because not everyone had nothing to do besides play a game, and so just like myself, didn’t get to play on pre-patch launch, but instead when they got home from work in the night, like myself…

so because he said it on the internet it makes it true? lol such a sheep and yt you calling others moron lol hahahaha

I can guarantee you they didn’t fix it with layers. They can set a limit for their servers, that’s why there is a queue.
There are two ways they can’t handle it, because of their server’s limit or because of the game limitations.
Layers only help with the game limitations that causes the game to crash when too many players are in the same zone at the same time because the game code can’t handle so much player interactions.
This right here? That’s their servers having a hardcap on how many players they can have. Either due to incompetence or because they do not want to spend money on a scaling system or, even worse, because they don’t want to spend more money on allowing more players in.

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Omg, ^^^^^ post of the century right here. This one post should have like 1000+ ‘likes’

The entire internet should drop by and leave a +1 in solidarity, “queue times” for logging into a server simply shouldn’t exist in the year 2022


All i know is they ddi it for whitemane back then.

They removed layers and we had 4 hour ques then they added layers back and no more ques.

Cool, didn’t know that. Thanks for info.

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Because they had to set a hard limit on their servers to avoid the server crashing because of the lack of layers.

See it this way. You can either set the hard cap at 100% with layers or set it at 20% without layers. This queue we’re having right now? That’s because we’re at 100% cap with layers and that basically means they didn’t spend money on modernizing their online services.

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