This Queue Time is Pathetic Blizz

Personally i believe it to be “we cant recruit” and “my 3rd alt cant run the 100+ dungeons required to get attuned”

That caused most xfers for sure.

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I don’t think you’re understanding…

  1. They always use layering. Not just during major content patches as was originally planned. So there’s really no such thing as an event that qualifies or not. Layering is used regardless.
  2. If you’re sitting in a queue, then the server is probably already layered. So the bandaid solution is already in play. In this case, it just seems like they’ve capped the number of layers a realm can have, which is a good thing. Literally, the only upside to allowing the server capacity to balloon to ridiculous heights is that the selfish people who play on those realms don’t have to reap the discomfort that they sow.

Are you saying that you’re in a queue, but your server hasn’t spun up additional layers?

I can’t tell if you actually attempted to answer me or if you just dodged the question.

So your explanation of layering is just “adding dividers to a room”? There’s nothing else to it? No explanation of what causes additional layers to spin up?

By the way, I’m still waiting for an answer here:

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That made no sense. People claim about Trump because he won’t go away.

Trump has done so many illegal things people are just sick of him continuing to be free.

The most recent things he did are things he called for the execution of other people - who had to flee the US. And they were whistleblowers.

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Just shut up already. Server transferring again makes sense for people who only log on and basically do questing and what not. But it makes no sense for a guild that has 40 players WHO ALREADY PAID to transfer once and do not want to transfer to a server that is going to be dead and you can not recruit new members.


You can. You just have to wait in a line.

This is like going to Disney World and complaining there’s a line to a ride you wanted to go on.

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Guess you made a mistake to be one of the many thousands who dogpiled into Benediction, huh? You can either keep throwing tantrums on the forums about it like a Karen, or you can make better decisions in the future. Choose your choice.

Should’ve picked a better realm. :frowning:

Blizzard isn’t going to recognize you for the brown nosing.

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While not entirely correct as if we look at the current que times totalled across all waiting realms we have at the least 1.8 mill people. No server to date can handle that.


Guys I don’t know what’s so hard to grasp here. Blizz could have invested in the server infrastructure to prevent people from not being able to play the game they pay for and they didn’t. It’s things like this that drive players away from the game.

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They offer free transfers to smaller servers, but with no LFG its going to be harder to get groups than a larger server. Not everyone can spend an hour looking for a healer or tank, so i can see the incentive of not leaving a bigger server.

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How… how did they host 12 million players in original Wrath?

Again, Blizz will only listen to your wallet…you got a choice in front you.

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Ok, and how should they have invested in their server infrastructure? Ion has said they have the best servers out there and that if you know of better ones, you should send them to him. So please, share your better server with us.


wtf does this mean? what are your trying to prove or do here? people have legitimate complaints, and your contribution is “sucks to be you.”

Can you /ignore people on forums?

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Accross different servers. And we had wait times back then too. Did you even read the post I replied too?

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Blizz needs to roll out more layers. Kinda feels like the are deliberately capping them.

You get it, they listen to your wallet not your posts.

I don’t recall these absurd wait times, and these are way better servers and they should have more experience. It was also Blizzard’s decision to up the cap and rely on layering.

We had layering opened up with a huge number for TBC launch, why not now?

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What server infrastructure? What server could they use that would fix the problem? :slight_smile:

There were a lot of realms. And there were also queues even then.

It means that you shouldn’t play on the most grotesquely overpopulated WoW server in the cataloged universe if sitting in queues sends you flying into a ape-like rage. :rofl:

You can! Don’t worry, I won’t be upset.

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