This Queue Time is Pathetic Blizz

You have selected a full server which can result in a wait to play. You should consider selecting a server with a low population.

Do you really want to select this server?

This is the warning message you CHOSE to ignore when making your character on a full server. Why would you not heed the warning if you didn’t want to wait in a queue?

You pay a monthly fee for access to the servers, which you have. You are entitled to NOTHING else.


What servers are they using? Do you know the latest greatest servers will work near 20 year old software? I mean I could say anything on here too. Reality is, everyone knew mega servers were too big, except for the folks whining here.

I really wanted to return to Grobb, but everyone could see what was coming…so I stayed on Atiesh where I can play. That said, Blizz should have capped the servers long ago, even w layering there aren’t enough mobs half the time.


Like I said. Keep carrying their water

what servers do they use?

Keep whining on the forums about things that are:

  1. Not directly Blizzard’s fault
  2. Never going to be changed

Like 99.9% of all the playerbase, I have no idea. That’s why I’m asking these people who seem to have an extremely high level of confidence and authority on the topic.

However, I do know that Ion Hazzikostas has gone on the record telling people to inform him of these “better servers” that everyone seems to know about, since he isn’t aware of a better solution.

So, you clog up a server spot and keep your toon from AFKing? Actually, pretty scummy dude. Shows how much you care about your fellow players.

yeah, im not sure either, i just know that they have better servers than final fantasy, always funny to see people say “in 2022 this shouldn’t be happened” meanwhile if you asked them to explain what C++ is they’d stare blankly at you.

You are saying this queue time is not blizz’s fault?

Yeah, totally agree. And I love it when I ask people simple questions about things they’re absolutely confident about and they have no answer other than to say that I’m shilling for Blizzard.

Side note though:

I’m actually learning programming right now! Taking a Harvard course, and they’re starting us with C (yeah, just C, not C++! :grimacing: ). One of the hardest things I’ve done so far!

dang dats nuts

Right, all the talk about layers back when Classic launched. Devs touting that they were practically limitless. 2 layers, 20 layers, it shouldnt matter. Just spend some of our sub money on something worthwhile and spin those extra server layers up instead of on a stupid LFG tool no one asked for!

Ya and if you had 2 pieces of bread on either side of ya, you would be a sandwich.

Honestly, it slightly depends on what kind of conversation you want to have about that.

Overall, no, people made a conscious decision to flock to the biggest realms, and while their reasoning is understandable, it was still very unreasonable for them not to consider the downsides. Queue times are a fact of life when you main on a mega realm. Almost everyone knows this, and they consciously made their choice in spite of it.

On the other hand, I think that Blizzard definitely is guilty of allowing mega realms to be created in the first place. They should have stepped in and stopped it from happening, but their absolutely flaccid approach to player freedom clouded their judgement. Layering was originally meant to be used only for expansion and major content launches. Ion Hazzikostas, on stage, in front of thousands of people at Blizzcon 2018, said that layering was “antithetical” to the classic experience and that they only intended to use it preemptively when they anticipated extreme numbers of people being condensed into individual zones.

At the end of the day, the entire purpose of layering was to keep the game playable during launches where you’d have people flooding starting zones or new areas (such as the Isle of Quel’Danas). It had nothing to do with server stress. And yet here we are several years later, and this “temporary” solution is the sole reason why servers like Benediction are artificially playable.


Yes, I think that Blizzard has made some horrible missteps that led to things like mega servers. They could have and should have stopped things from getting to this point, and they didn’t. That being said, no, it’s 100% the players’ faults for knowingly flocking to grotesquely overpopulated realms.

People are finally feeling some of the pressure of their decisions and that’s a good thing.


Enter the mind of a person who insists on playing in grotesquely overfilled realms. And almost always only for personal benefits.

So Wrath pre patch isnt a qualifying event? I’ve been on Grob for the entirety of TBC as a Blameux refugee and havent once sat in a 3 hour queue, or any notable queue I can recall…and then Tuesday happened.

If wotlk pre-patch doesnt qualify for additional layer spin up what are they waiting for? Is the extra capacity sitting waiting in a darkened back room waiting to be plugged in at launch?

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Layering doesn’t increase the server capacity. It’s to deal with the fact WoW code can’t handle too many people in the same place.
It’s like adding dividers to a room, it doesn’t increase the room size.

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What is a solution you would enact to fix it? Keep in mind you are high level management and a wrong decision can cost you your job and several in your department. Stockholders to consider as well (which also favors into your decision). But you have the power. What would you do?

As if the devs that make bad decisions that cause problems get fired. If they did, we wouldn’t have had 3 expansions in a row with the same bad design and systems.

Even if they did it poorly on Classic, it’s not something you’d fire someone for. Maybe take them off lead, if it’s that bad, but how can it be worse than what we have now?

TBH i was surpised that when i went to log on there was a que…it was a fresh server and the only choice I had for a fresh server on the west coast…guess they need two…or I dunno more shards

I would get people working on updating the online services to be scalable, you can’t fix it overnight but you’ll never fix it unless you start doing something, which they haven’t done for over 10 YEARS of this technology existing.